Man fire school sure was easy when i was 19 lol. I moved to Florida in '03 after being out of the FD for 4yrs. I started as a Hunting Manor FF in 92 and went until 99 when I moved out of the area. Moved to Fl and was told they don't recognize my training. I got hired for EMS where I work now and of course they merged. Now At 36 yrs old doing fire school agian. First time made it 1 1/2 months and then injured my knee and needed surgery for my MCL, ACL, bones chips. Now I have 1 week left of a 6 month class and studying my !@# off. Man I can't wait to get it over so I can call myself a Fire Figher again! Anybody who goes through this and is over 30 I commend you. Well I got to go and get back to the books.

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Comment by Jason G on April 2, 2008 at 5:38pm
by the way...I lived in FL for 8 years and when you get your fire certs make sure you pay the 15 dollars extra and get your IFSAC seal so you can take your certs to other states if you so choose.
Comment by Jason G on April 2, 2008 at 5:37pm
I am about to be in your shoes.....I went to the DOD Fire Academy at age 27. I have been working in the field for about 2 years as a full timer and I just got offered a job with Little Rock. The good part is that I get a significant pay raise. The bad part is that I have to go to their academy. I am happy and can hardly wait. Looking forward to the challenge.
Comment by Christina McLean on March 26, 2008 at 4:15pm
Hello to you too! Good luck with the fire school.. the State of Florida is pretty choosy when it comes to fire training. I have been thinking about it myself and I am older than you by a few years. Sounds like your heart is in it and that is the key.

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