Isler and Monroe Funeral, Salisbury NC

Today was a day NO ONE should have to deal with, unless one of our own has fallen because of old age.

It started out like any other semi normal day for a Volunteer Fire Department. Aside from getting the crews ready for the funeral, the Captains and Chiefs making last minute rig assignments, the tones go off around 1130 for an unknown Medical. The Captain and I jump in the squad and head out, deal with a hyperventalating patient, and return to the station. Our Engine Co, 561, is designated to spray a deck gun over the pond at the cemetary along with Thomasville NC's Engine Co.

After setting up all monitors and choreagraphing the streams, we are taking a break when the tones go off again around 1330. Mind you, by now my station's personell have gone out of service, and Jerusalem's FF's have come down from Davie County to man our station for us.

Well, this call is about a mile down the road, Unknown Medical, for an infant. I heard that and asked my Capt if I could go, he said "Dont kill anyone on the way out" (very few people around the cemetary at this time) and off I went.

10 month old hispanic infant having febral seizures. Temp of 103-104 (EMS took the temp and this is what i heard from them). NOT a good way to start the afternoon off.

Back to the cemetary. I arrive back on station and get to deliver food and drinks to our other Engine Co. out in front fo the cemetary blocking traffic. At around 1700 or so we get word that the Motorcade is heading our way finally. Time to suit up in Full turnouts. The day is absolutely georgous.

Motorcade arrives and its a sight to behold. Firefighters from Alaska, California, Virginia, South Carolina and all points inbetween are on scene. Charlotte Fire Departments Honor Guard with their bag pipes. Thomasville's Officer blowing TAPS. Unreal.

As the service begins to wind down, Taps is blown, a prayer said, the Pipes begin playing, our station's siren is set off (at which point I lose it), and three Canadian geese fly over from the pond, over the burial site, turn around, come back over the site, and one peels off as in a missing man formation. Even the animals knew.

Justin Monroes coffin was done up with images from the fire service. Dalmations, Ladders, Engines, Maltese Cross. all kinds of images. His burial vault lid had scenes on it from every type of Fire Service. Smoke jumpers coming out of a plane, old horse drawn engine, a ladder crew.....

Victor Isler will be transported to New York for Burial there.

Rest In Peace My Brothers. You will be missed by many!

Peace and Fair Journeys

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Comment by Rich on March 15, 2008 at 3:27pm
FF Victor Isler's Burial is on Monday 3/17/08 at 10 am, St Carles Cemetery Farmingdale, NY. Victor was in the Deer Park Fire Department before moving to N.C.

Both will be dearly missed in the fire service. Rest In Peace Brothers.
Comment by Candy Caldwell on March 14, 2008 at 7:33pm
It was a sad day for all of us here in NC. None there could of missed those ducks. I know Justine was proud as he looked down. Knowing God as I do, I'm sure he gave Justin permission to direct those ducks that day!

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