lives lost in fires the after effect

recently here in east texas one of our local fire staion got a call just before 6 am the childrens lives were lost. 8 months earlier they lost 3 other kids. i and other firefighters were at both tragic fires. i know we are not to question y it happened but i will never understand. it has draw alot of our local fire depts closer. i know in my heart i am closer to them then before. but it eats at u but we still go forward with our jobs. the thang is we are volunter fire depts and we love what we do. i know around our area some paid fire fighters dont like us. but to me we are all brothers andd sisterspaid or not. i love each and everyone the same

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Comment by Mike Lewis on March 8, 2008 at 6:37pm
Our county has a critical incident stress debriefing team that will respond anywhere in our county as needed. The team is available for any situation regarding tramtic injury or fatalities. It is done as a group session with the team and all personel effected by the incident. It has opened many eyes, including my own, to how each and every one of us can be effected in our own way by a tragic scene.
The "macho" part of this business only goes so far. We might be heros in the eyes of many, but even the heros need to talk about things from time to time.
If you dont have a team like this available, I would suggest you find out how to start one or use some sort of professional help from the outside.
I guarantee your brothers and sisters will benefit from it. You would be suprised what just being able to talk about things can do.
I would be more than willing to give you any contact information for our county team if your interested, just let me know.

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