Takeing my NREMT exam April 26 any words of wisdom or pointers?
I feel confident however i feel a bit nervous past the College portion with a B grade happy with that.

thanks Paul

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Comment by Jason G on April 2, 2008 at 5:34pm
I passed my NR back in 05 and when I had a question and the answers had abc's in it...I picked AIRWAY. Remember you always have to have the scene safe before doing anything then BSI and then ABC's. I believe that strategy helped me.
Comment by Mike on March 25, 2008 at 7:12pm
I am in the Air Force so I take tests for a living. A few pointers I will give you.
1. Read the answers first then read the question. If you know the material the answer will be like a flashing neon light in your head.

2. This one is subjective... but I never change an answer once I mark/enter it.

3. TRY not to be nervous. There will be more tests to come and you need to get comfortable with them.

4. Never study the night before a test. Take it off... relax. If you don't know by then you will only confuse yourself.

5. Arrive early... rushing makes you nervous. Get there in time to pick a comfortable spot and review some information in your head.


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