bet ya thought i had forgotten about y'all. my neice moved here from texas. haven't see lainey for a very long time . and have been catching up on old times . my department manager has been out of sick leave . so i am acting manager . and been up to my ear's in work . and the going on's at work. today was my day off and i had planned on getting some dirty hauled in and start building the cat kennal. but that didn't happen . had to run to hayes america . and take my x husband to the doctor . . he filled my beast up with fuel for doing it . so that ws cool with the price of gas . money don't fill the tank as cheaply as it used to. but then now i have a 4x4 instead of the 91 f150. . the fles plate is out of the 91 . and i am driving my toy .9my 88 work truck 0 i wouldn't trade it in for anything . its a good ol truck, and best of all paid for , a long time ago. lol
had a vet bill on one of my tiny dog's . $300 for one tiny dog added up fast . but it had to be done . so thats over and logan is back to being his energetic self . now he thinks he can whip the world . but his body is screwing with his mind. cause he has the personality of a guard dog . but his body is only 5 pounds . [dam it !!!!] i am sure he's thinking the same thing .
god bless and keep safe .
always Evon

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