Seat Belt Pledge Blog site (for those who want to comment/discuss)

Hey folks. As we can tell we are stalemated with 73 or so signatures and it's been 20 hours since the last posting. I figured this would be a great spot to have our "discussion" since it is more adventageous to only have signatures with a small comment on the forum.

Please try to help me and the politicians see that we care about our lives and think that seat belt useage shouldn't be a choice, it should be LAW. Forward the link to the forum to your friends and get them to sign. We are on our own with this, lets open some eyes and gather more support.

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Comment by Ben Octeau on April 17, 2008 at 12:28pm
Comment by Engineco913 on March 2, 2008 at 3:23pm
And thanks again to you all for making the ff pledge side forum post :) makes more sense than coming to a blog :):)
Comment by Engineco913 on March 2, 2008 at 8:17am
Thank you MEL and Joe for helping me with this Cause. Your dedication to firefighter safety is second to none. Keep up the great work, hopefully we combined with our other friends can make a differance.
Comment by Engineco913 on March 2, 2008 at 8:16am
There are a lot of differance in the way we view the Constitution. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are only foundations for law. They provide us with Basics.
Open up some law books for your state, there are most likely hundreds of laws and explanations inside the books. Should these all be repealed because they aren't all covered in the Constitution or Bill of Rights?
Did you perhaps see that they didn't cover "everything" inside the Bill of Rights?
All I am trying to do here with this Pledge is to Make it law so "more people" will wear their seat belts and stop dying needlessly. I say "more people" because no matter what it still won't make everyone wear one, and I fear there is nothing that would make these people wear one either.
People who are stuck on "the old way" are often the ones who are blindsided with grief when they are on the department (without a SOP on seatbelts) who suffers a LODD. (I didn't see this coming in a million years) These are also the same people who's Primevil thinking would keep them not buckling up after going to a funeral for someone who died as a result of not wearing a seat belt.
Comment by Joe Stoltz on March 1, 2008 at 10:42pm
Oh, I forgot, I've taken oaths too, as a county official and as a peace officer of the state of New York.
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on March 1, 2008 at 10:38pm
Hang on a sec.....

So....we all have a choice on whether to wear a seatbelt or not??
Not really....not unless we're the 100 foot tall, bulletproof firefighter or EMS technician....because EVERYONE ELSE has to wear them.....just not us because we have a magic circle around us that keeps us from getting killed when we're thrown from a moving vehicle at 50 mph.
Oh, those LODD's....ignore those, it's alll propaganda.
Guess that's why we're dropping like flies.
The clock is ticking on seatbelt enforcement, and it's about time, because it takes a SPECIAL KIND OF STUPID to think you can run a call without one.
And shame on ANY officer that allows it.
If you want to get patriotic, then protect your country and those who respond to emergencies and DEMAND seat belt enforcement.
Comment by Joe Stoltz on March 1, 2008 at 10:17pm
Yeah Mike it looks like the "Pledge" thread has stalled... I think it has gotten the message through to a few of the 13,000+ FFN members who might be on the fence. At least, next time they get into a rig or their car they'll think about it; of that I am certain.

And JR, there is a difference in my mind between serving obese people and requiring them to buckle up.
Consider the OSHA rules/regs that have been promulgated over the years. Why do they exist? To protect people, from themselves and from their employers' habits of cutting corners. Each OSHA rule/reg is built upon the misfortune of others who were hurt or killed because the rule did not exist.
Seat belt use has been mandated in my state for some years; yes people still bitch about it but that's the way it is. Why does the law exist? Because over the years the same thing happened again, and again, and again: People died needlessly because they weren't belted in.
I'd like to see the law changed to include everybody particularly authorized emergency vehicles. Maybe we can cut down the number of FFs who die each year responding to an emergency, if we make the law applicable nationwide.
Comment by J.R. Turner on March 1, 2008 at 10:03pm
If the constitution has not been repealed then this is still the land of the free. That includes free to NOT wear a seat belt. Men with good intentions can be a source of BAD LAW for a free man. Here is a recent example of A BAD LAW BILL Here is a BAD LAW that was finally repealed by a constitutional amendment:

Our juries here in America are charged with protecting We The People from BAD LAW through what is known as JURY NULLIFICATION as explained here: Next time you have JURY DUTY go into it with your EYES WIDE OPEN and FULLY INFORMED. Perhaps you need a refresher course on the constitution and a little reminder
Consider the words of George Washington here:
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
George Washington

I am a retired firefighter paramedic and I choose to wear a seat belt however, I can not delegate any authority that I DO NOT possess to you or any other group of men to force another man to wear a seat belt or force a restaurant owner to refuse service to obese men or women as referenced above.

Our veterans and all public servants swear an oath to protect and defend the constitution (The Supreme Law of the Land) If you believe you are a PUBLIC SERVANT then you should have an OATH on file somewhere. NO OATH = NO PUBLIC SERVANT. It is a FELONY to impersonate a PUBLIC SERVANT.

Please carefully read the BILL OF RIGHTS and then carefully read the TEN PLANKS OF THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO and then CHOOSE WISELY!!!

If you believe that America is a DEMOCRACY as most politicians declare, simply recite the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE

Constitution Quiz:

Wake Up America!!!

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