Hey all! I just had my first REAL Vacation. Some of it was absolutely wonderful...and some of it would have made a good disaster flick! Everybody has a story to tell, and vacations always provide some good material for stories, so let's hear it - How was YOUR vacation?
The whole thing started out very promising...my best friend called me while I was on the side of a hill above San Bernardino in late October. "How would you like to go to Cabo San Lucas in February for your Christmas present?" It took me all of about two seconds to say "Are you crazy? I'd love to!"
When I got home from California, I picked up my car, which had received a new paint job while I was gone! It was beautiful. I had it for nine days before a deer ran out in front of me! I had some well meaning friends who tried to fix some of the collateral damage for me, but my car just kept having more and more problems through the holidays. It was something in the electrical system, and it ate the alternator just before New Year's. We put in a new one and then the battery wouldn't hold a charge. She was sucking so much juice, I finally took her to rehab! I had to have some kind of transportation, so I found an old Bronco for 1K. There goes my spending money for Cabo. :( Then the day we left for Mexico I found out someone very dear to me had a heart attack and passed away. My friend and her husband had an ongoing series of misunderstandings throughout the trip, and I came back to more than three feet of new snow, a collapsed storage shed, and a broken window! There's 27 messages on my machine, 439 new emails, a stack of bills, rent is due and my unemployment is just about up! I guess it's time for a change!

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