should have not awnsered the phone, got out of bed . or even thought you was going to acomplish anything today? well mine was today . had coffee with the three friends i drink coffee with at the cafe . met a pro wrestler . never pay much attention to his name . was planning on getting alot done at work . ended up having to call in . had a family emergency. i had to take care off. spent most of the afternoon at the sheriff's department over stupid stuff my daughter and her hubby [x] got into it . ended up loading her up and bringing her hme with me to keep those two from both being behind bar's . sometimes you wonder . what people do stupid things? but guess thats what makes life not so dull. would have been great . if i hadn't lost a day at work. but the good part is. i got to spend time with the family ??? lol. . then to top it off . got a phone call from a neice in texas . she plans on moving back here . and asked if she could stay here till she gets a job and a house . . the more the merrier i guess. so now that i have two extra pairs of hands around here. maybe before next winter . i can get the frount lawn built up and replanted in grass and do some extra things i have been putting off .

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