Can I get courtesy flush up in heeyaa!

Okay, I know it's not their fault. When folks have a knee or hip replacement and need help getting up off the toilet or vagal down and "Fallout" while using the toilet and someone has to call 911. I really don't have a problem just helping them up or even cleaning them up and transporting them to the ER. Because hey it could happen to anyone. But, As God is my witness. If I ever find myself fading out while doing my business on the pot. With my last breath I will reach up and flush that damn thing!Lol

Maybe I should invent a lanyard ( like the kind they have on tredmills or jetski's) You could velco it on your wrist and if you "Fallout" It calls 911 and delivers two stacked courtesy flushes before EMS arrives.

So you tell me am I asking to much?

Sorry if you saw this twice I tried to post it earlier and it did'nt work :)

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Comment by Marie on February 13, 2008 at 10:55pm
HAHAHAA thats awesome
Comment by jdstamp on February 13, 2008 at 10:55am
That is funny, a "kill switch" for a toilet
Comment by Wendy Jo on February 13, 2008 at 8:40am
Oh man! I couldnt stop laughing when I read come up with some of the most random things. We all think it, but you actually get on here and write it. This is what keeps me coming back to your page..I like to read your discussions...funny as shit! (no punt intended!) LOL
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on February 12, 2008 at 11:19pm
"I've fallen......and I can't flush......"

First there was LifeAlert.....
and now, introducing....."FlushAlert"

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