Okay, those of you who know me know that for the last 6+ years I've been trying to become a career firefighter. I've been to Indy, Evansville, Bloomington, and Columbus. Even threatened to go to Boston and New York a time or two. So far, I've experienced nothing but heartbreak and disappointment. Flunking interviews and bombing tests. It's been a long hard road and I won't lie when I say that there were a few times when I wanted to give up.

Not anymore.

I've promised to keep everyone updated on the situation and after going through an interview, being poked and prodded on during a physical exam, punishing myself during the physical agility test, and waiting weeks for results from a whiz quiz and a security clearance form....I got the call this morning. 10:58 a.m. on Friday, October 17th 2008. As of next Monday (10/27) I will be a Career Firefighter with the NSA Crane Fire Department.

This has really been a dream come true. I mean, when you're growing up and people ask you what you wanna be when you grow up, you usually tell them you wanna be a cop, or a doctor, astronaut, or a fireman. Some of us never grow up and I'm thrilled to be able to have a chance to do this sort of thing.

I'll admit, it doesnt seem too real at the moment. This whole time I've had other people telling me that I've got the job but I didnt want to believe it until I had the actual start date. I've been through way too much heartbreak and disappointment to convince myself that I had the job. I knew that the moment I would settle into the idea, something would come along and bite me in the ass and I'd lose it...looking like a goon after telling everyone I had the job.

So here it is folks. I've got the job. I'M GONNA BE A CAREER FIREFIGHTER. Got a nice ring to it dont it?

Really, though, I need to thank MANY MANY people here (warning: cliche zone ahead). First off I need to thank God for blessing me with this opportunity and with the talents He has given me and the supportive group of family and friends. Second, I need to thank those family and friends who've stood beside me and motivated me this whole time. Without you all, I would've given up long ago. I wish that I could do something to repay everyone who has helped me in some way, shape or form along the way. Thank you all for being supportive, it means the world to me. I couldnt ask for a better circle of people to be around.

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Comment by Scott on October 18, 2008 at 5:50pm
Haha great job buddy maybe you can help me out in about a year its what im looking to do aswell congrads
Comment by Jenny Holderby on October 18, 2008 at 3:32pm
He is DEFINITELY excited about his new job!! Congratulations!!

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