I don't understand people sometimes. For some reason it seems that several of the discussions I have been following have gotten a bit personal & testy. I don't know why we feel in necessary to call each other names.

We've fussed about grammar & spelling. Although there have been studies that prove that a person can read words that are misspelled & we are used to using the spelling & grammer check on our computers so we don't paty attention to type Os becaue it fixes them. But you can't run it on here so the typeOs don't go away.

There is a lengthy discussion because someones profile said they were single & they are married. Oh. I've been married to the same man for nearly 30 yrs. I doubt that a mistake on a website is going to cause a divorce or even an argument or is worthy of even a discussion about it.

Swearing - is taking the Lord's name in vain. Woops forgot, that is too much religious reference. Saying words like shit isn't swearing. I really really try NOT to type things like this but . . . sometimes it slips out or I can't find another word that works as well.

My point is this: Why are we beating each other up? Why are we defensive? Or accusing?

Maybe its the weather. Its a cool drizzly day in SOUTHERN OHIO/ WV. Maybe its the full moon. I dunno but I am not enjoying this right now. I'm going to lunch.

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Comment by Jenny Holderby on October 20, 2008 at 3:04am
I think it was the moon. But then after working 7 days straight after a very busy FD weekend, maybe I'm just tired.
Comment by Jenny Holderby on October 18, 2008 at 2:12am
Well written posts are much better to read. Two of my responses lately have been sent before I finish them completely. I think it has something to do with my computer.

Some of us are familiar with a key board & with reading & writing so we do it faster & use better grammer & punctuaion or actually tell a story better. Some folks have something to say but it's hard to keep thoughts together with the hunt &peck method of typing. Unfortunately, there is no spell check on this one. THANK GOODNESS for spell check!! I used to type 140wpm on a good old typewriter but using word processing soft ware on a computer has really messed that up. Most of the time I enjoy writing. (My kids used to call me "Walking Webster". MOM, What does this mean? How do you spell. . . ?)

I am going to stay away from the "feeling smart" comment if you don't mind. :)

I'm sure there are "covert" interaction on the internet and I do hope this isn't a place for it but I *think* what I said or meant to say was that in MY marriage, it wouldn't cause a divorce or discussion. But then I've been married to the same man for 30yrs so what do I know?

I suppose I should confess that I myself often get very tired of having to be Miss Suzie Sunshine. Particularly when I am not feeling very sunny @ all. Sometimes it is an effort, a great effort not to be just plain bitchy.
Comment by Jenny Holderby on October 16, 2008 at 2:45pm
In in SOUTHERN ohio even though it is mid october & the leaves are usually falling the trees are just starting to turn. We've had a long dry spell. Its 62 degrees today & drizzling rain. YEAH!! Rain makes my sinus clog up & my joints achey but we need rain so much. Tuesday it was 80 degrees.

I agree that the economic picture is pretty questionalbe. It depresses me to go grocery shopping. I really have an issue with paying $3.85 for a gal of gas when folks in the same state are paying much less. Today it's down to $3.19 but it is $2.69 up north in Columbus. Everything goes up but my paycheck.

I am very tired of looking @ political signs & hearing commercials on TV & seeing political jargon on every newspaper & magazine I pick up. I work in a library. But that will be over soon, thank goodness!! Seems like they start earlier every year.

I'm hangin. Just tied another knot in the rope. THanks for the encouragement.

Comment by Joe Stoltz on October 16, 2008 at 1:37pm
Might be the moon, or it may be the change in season for us Northerners... as in most of the leaves formerly on the trees in my area are now on the ground. Where did summer go?

Maybe the bleak economic picture and/or upcoming election have us all unconsciously on edge?

I don't have any ideas other than these. You have been an FFN member for a long time, all I can say is hang in there!

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