Hello to all my wonderful friends, and a great, big, Texas "HOWDY!!!" to all my new friends.
I was going to send this out as a regular message through mail, but apparently the rules have been changed and I have to do it this way now. I guess I'll have to send out individual notes from now on or just keep blogging.
I have been off for a few shifts due to a foot injury. I finally went to the doctor and had it xrayed. According to the doc, the best he can come up with is tarsal tunnel inflammation caused by an unknown injury. I didn't even know I had a tarsal tunnel. I've heard of carpal tunnel, so it just makes sense that your feet have basically the same kind of structure, I guess. So now I have a right foot with planters fasciaitis and a left foot with tarsal tunnel. At this rate, I'll be lucky to be walking in 10 years. Fortunately, both feet are doing better and I'm back at work. I'm still taking an occaisional Aleve for the pain and inflammation, but it's mostly a nagging annoyance now.
As always, let me say that I am still waiting on some of you to post some decent pictures of yourself on your pages. I know, I harp on this quite a bit, but then, that's my quirk. I love looking at pictures of my friends. Despite what a few FFN members may think, I'm not out to hussle, stalk or ogle anyone. I just like seeing you. So if you are not shy, post some good pics of yourself.
If I missed personally welcoming any of you to the network or to my circle of friends, I apologize. I had a bunch of new friends join my circle while I was out and I don't have access to a computer at home to keep up with the welcomes.
My schedule for this month is jam packed between my 2 jobs, but it looks like I'll be going to the EMS conference in Dallas in November. It's my 1st time to go and I'm excited. If any of you are going let me know and I'll watch out for you.
Halloween is coming up. Watch of for all the little ghosts, goblins, etc.
Stay safe.
God bless you all.
Big Jim

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