We have a member that has joined recently who is a lil larger than most of the guys...not really sure how active he is going to be in the department since this is volunteer...until we see how things are going to go, we dont want to spend four grand on a set of gear just yet...If anyone knows or has a set of bunkers that are larger than large that they want to sell...please email me...4XL might not cut it...but let me know what ya got...I think we found some pants...thanks...maconfirecapt@yahoo.com

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Comment by Chris Pegram on October 8, 2008 at 11:18am
His activity will be limited of course for safety reason billy...but since we are an osha regulated state, I have to provide him with bunkers...but I promise the activites will be limited...:-)...thanks
Comment by Paul Montpetit on October 7, 2008 at 6:34pm
I recently saw some gear on e-bay listed....I believe it was either 4X or 5X...cheap if I remember right.....wouldn't think there would be a high demand for that size.....Think it was made by Omar,"The tent maker"....But seriously it was there this past weekend....looked almost new...Good luck.....Paul
Comment by Meaghan on October 7, 2008 at 5:37pm
Haha...Tryin to b nice "little larger than large" Well good luck with that...sorry cant help any
Comment by Billy Lovell (Skinny) on October 7, 2008 at 5:01pm
Not sure what the term large is. But it sound like to me if it is the out of shape large,then I think your department would be better of making the choice too not get the gear and limit the members activite for his safety and the other members. But I will check and see if I can help you but I dont think we have anything that large.

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