Update on Ryan Hoover and Benefit dinner coming up please read!!!!!

Ok I would like to give some of you all a udate on Ryan Hoover the burned race car driver that I helped out on 8/23/08 @ the Glen ridge motorsports park. As of 10/5/08 ~ There will be a benefit spaghetti supper for Ryan Hover on October 25th at the Craryville Fire Station, located on Rt. 7 in the town of Craryville. Hours are 4p.m.-8p.m.Cost is: Adults, $8.00, Children, $5.00, Under age 3 free. I would like to hope as many race car drivers can make it, to show their support. All race car fans, whether they witnessed it or not, know this is the worst fear and they might like to attend to show their support also. As far as Ryan's condition continues to improve and with the moral support of many, it will be a bit easier. Thank you in for your cooperation.

As of 10/3/08 this is the update that I got from Tom Czaban www.racinvideos.com he spoke with the Hover family and there is good news and bad.... I'll give the bad news first! (get it out of the way) Ryan Has lost ALL use of his Thumb on his burned arm!! The nerve damage was so severe he will never have any feeling it again...Basically, it's going to be a stub forever.

OK On to the Happy News!!! FIRST and Foremost the Hover Family was presented a donation at the Lebanon Valley Speedway on 9/19/08 in the sum of $4200.00!!!!! Due to the weather conditions the show was hurried and the Family was unable to thank some people properly... So Here Goes!....Howard Commander and Staff for their hospitality and VIP treatment they gave the family! ALL the people who generously reached so deep in their pockets to help! AND a Special Personal Thanks to Robbie Speed for organizing and arranging the donations to be made possible!! The Hover family cannot express their gratitude enough!!

More Happy News! ... RYAN is up and about, out of intensive care and already in physical therapy!!! No more Wires, Breathing Tubes, IV's Hanging out of his body! Ryan is on his third skin graph and he will probably have a couple more before he leaves the hospital. The Skin Graphs took nicely and are healing in his groin, leg and "most" of his arm! He is eating Human Food again, But hates the Protein Shakes that keeps his skin growing so they can keep taking from one area and give to the burned areas! He is still taking medictions but only orally! RYAN Said.."I'm Ready to Go HOME!" So keep the kind words of encouragement and donations coming! I will be trying to visit Ryan and his family in the coming week at the hospital.

I would like to give a thanks to my the entire staff at the Ridge during this long ordeal but also I need to give a thanks my entire family along with my extended family at the Fort Johnson Vol. Fire Company. Their are certain other people I need to thank them for letting me talk to them I know if they read this they know who they are. As far as my health I have been doing find just been seeing plastic surgen in the past weeks as far as the rest I've had my good days and some bad ones but with time and cont. talking to people it shall get better. Also please pass the word about the benefit spaghetti supper for Ryan Hover on October 25th at the Craryville Fire Station, located on Rt. 7 in the town of Craryville. Hours are 4p.m.-8p.m.Cost is: Adults, $8.00, Children, $5.00, Under age 3 free.

PS~There was actually talk amongst the family about him driving again or not...How's that for a cliff hanger?? Stay tuned and check back soon!
Curtis Rouse

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