As of next week my amazing journey with Newberg Fire Dept ends. I will be moving to Spokane, WA and I will be attending Gonzaga University. I will miss every at Newberg Fire very much but most of all my Shift guys where the BEST! I hope to be part of a new Family with Spokane Fire in the next year.

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Comment by lutan1 on February 12, 2008 at 5:35am
Good luck!
Comment by Jess on September 24, 2007 at 3:50pm
I was in your shoes about 5 years ago. All I can say is, you move on, find a new dept with some new great guys, and you always keep in touch with the old dept. I interned as a rider with my hometown dept in high school for two years. I came to school in chicago(just 30 mins away from my home) and I ride with an engine company of the CFD. It's been 5 years since I last rode with my hometown dept but I still go to many FD functions and house parties. I go to the firehouse to visit every chance I get. I keep in contact with them and I am now in the process of testing for my hometown dept. It's great that I moved on, because I would have never had a chance to meet these new, AWESOME, guys from the CFD. Good luck!

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