This event occurred on a non emergency response about 7:00 PM on a clear sunny day. This was a four door International cab with only two firefighters. They were very lucky.
The day before this event four new tires were installed on the Engine 's rear wheels. Station personnel reported that the truck seemed to 'sway' after the new tires were installed. The next day two firefighters took the truck to Fleet Services to have the problem investigated. Tire pressures were checked and a lose valve stem was tightened. When returning to the Station the wheels on the right side of the truck went off the pavement and into the ditch. In pulling back onto the pavement, the truck rolled. As you can see from the photographs, the truck was demolished and the officer side roof collapsed.
Fortunately, both were wearing their seatbelts and remained inside the cab. One firefighter was able to climb out of the wreckage and assisted the second one out. The radios were not operable, so one used his cell phone to call for assistance. Both firefighters were transported to the hospital. They were severely banged up and have injuries that will require recuperation, but they were both released from the hospital early the day after the accident.
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