I was just wondering on some of your opinions on fire trucks being other colors besides red....I could care less because ours are red but just wondering thanks......

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Comment by mcneill on February 15, 2008 at 8:05pm
as the members in wayland say "every firetruck is white untill some asshole put red on them".....i dont give a shit what color it is as long as it gives me water while iam on the inside!!!
Comment by Angela S. Eiseman on December 27, 2007 at 4:56am
Trucks that are other colors are interesting, but it just seems natural that fire trucks should be red. A neighboring fire department has light green trucks and we always say "they're not ripe yet". LSU fire school in Baton Rouge has a purple and gold "tiger" striped engine. Very cool.
Comment by Angela S. Eiseman on December 27, 2007 at 4:56am
Trucks that are other colors are interesting, but it just seems natural that fire trucks should be red. A neighboring fire department has light green trucks and we always say "they're not ripe yet". LSU fire school in Baton Rouge has a purple and gold "tiger" striped engine. Very cool.
Comment by Angela S. Eiseman on December 27, 2007 at 4:55am
Trucks that are other colors are interesting, but it just seems natural that fire trucks should be red. A neighboring fire department has light green trucks and we always say "they're not ripe yet". LSU fire school in Baton Rouge has a purple and gold "tiger" striped engine. Very cool.
Comment by Angela S. Eiseman on December 27, 2007 at 4:55am
Trucks that are other colors are interesting, but it just seems natural that fire trucks should be red. A neighboring fire department has light green trucks and we always say "they're not ripe yet". LSU fire school in Baton Rouge has a purple and gold "tiger" striped engine. Very cool.
Comment by Rich on December 24, 2007 at 6:01am
Our trucks are bassically Red/White as per the norm but our Tower Ladder 2-4-7 is Red/Black/Black Ladder. There are pics in my albums of "Big Joe".

I have however seen trucks of almost every color. American LaFrance's "new deliveries" area has quite a palet of color alone.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on December 23, 2007 at 10:53pm
Here's a couple of forum threads that might interest you.

Comment by Jojo on December 23, 2007 at 6:57pm
I think red is the universal color for fire trucks I mean other colors are fine its just around here they don't go over well. We just got a ladder truck and it was yellow however no one in the community really likes it. lol so i guess it just depends

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