The Philadelphia Fire Department is the oldest paid Fire Department in the United States. It's roots as a volunteer organization take it back into our country's history still further. It's neat to think that the guys who went before me as firemen did so over two hundred years. For me the history is always present since my local covers much of Old City and Downtown. This is the oldest and most original area of the city and is the birthplace of our Nation. There are buildings that guys have fought fires in a hundred years ago and are still here being used every day. Much of the old city is gone but enough of it remains that you can still get a good feeling of what life must have been like for the "Old Timers".

In my quest to get the word out about the impending demise of the old Race St. Firehouse, I have met a lot of nice people. One lady Anita was nice enough to send me some old turn of the century pictures of Philly Smokeaters on parade. This looks to be Broad Street that they are marching down. The other picture may be an insurance photo of the Fire Department with multiple hand lines in service. It makes reference to "Philly's High Pressure Fire Service". I know we had a high pressure fire district until a few years back but I don't know if that is what this picture is referring to. In any event they are snapshots of a bygone era.

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Comment by Dennis on December 11, 2007 at 6:24pm
You Got It, Stay Safe!
Comment by Mick Mayers on December 10, 2007 at 11:55pm
That's good stuff. I grew up on the 202 Corridor (North Wales, then moved to Bridgeport) and ran with Station 31 before moving away in 1981.

The chief on Hilton Head back then was ex-PFD and talked me into going to work here instead of coming back. I still think of Philly as home, though (my dad's still up there). Keep in touch.

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