I am trying to have the Nova Scotia Gov. change the Highway traffic act to allow Volunteer Fire Fighters the use of Lights on their Pov's.

I have some response, I need more help with a questionare I have and copies of SOP'S, SOG'S Traning.

If any one can help please send your information to me at miraroadvolfire@hotmail.com...Art

Find the attached file, if you can answer it I will need your name, Dept and where your Dept is from.


Please Help...........



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Comment by Will2745 on April 4, 2009 at 10:34am
on our dept,,,which is Solon Twp Fire Dept, Michigan,,we are allowed to use red lights and siren if approved by our chief..AFTER we have been on dept 1 year and passed allschools
..Privelage can be revoked at any time. Also,,,we Must stop at all stop signs and red ights..and not exceed posted speed limits...like we say,,,we are not demanding right of way,,,just asking for it...
Wilbur matthews..Cedar Springs Michigan
Comment by shawn on December 14, 2008 at 5:48am
ok, blue for vol. fire and EMS personal, and no siren, however ... The use of an eletrical air horn is in the greay area due to the fact that this is not considered a siren but an aux. horn. Red light for cheif officers and FP capt and Lt. All lights are required to be regestered with the state, and state law mandates that ANY vehiceal with red in use must also have an audible siren while it is in motion. And all vehicals must respond with due regard. Blus is strictly a curtousey light... no laws r to be broken. Green is for IC only, yellow is for construction or tow trucks, or a rodside hazzard light. Purple is for a funeral procession. Red/Blue mix for Police And Corriner and FP company units only, and game commisioner. I belive that all emergency personel should be allowed red and siren, after all we all are of the same importance. I would like to see PA change these laws, let me know some feedback on that one anyone in PA.
Comment by Art Sutherland on September 2, 2008 at 10:41pm
I have all the Light Laws for the States and Canada. what Ineed is above......

Our Police run Blue...We want to follow Ontario where they use Green......
Comment by alan on September 2, 2008 at 10:14pm
in pa, green is IC. we run blue lights and chiefs use red. the main chief has a siren, too
Comment by Brian Dumser on September 1, 2008 at 11:15pm
OK, I'm confused. In Illinois, green lights signify incident command. Also what is WAC/RCW? Thanks and stay safe!
Comment by Art Sutherland on September 1, 2008 at 10:47pm
where do I find it.........WAC/RCW
Comment by Jeanine on September 1, 2008 at 2:17am
In washington state there is actually a WAC/RCW about green lights on personnaly operated vehicles. You might wanna check it out....Good luck!!
Comment by Brian Dumser on August 31, 2008 at 10:44pm
When I joined the F.D. in 1994, they were using blue lights (Illinois). We just stopped the practice due to our insurance carrier not liking it. I might add that in the 14 years that I've been here we've never had a FF injured by using a light in their POV. Stay safe!

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