i worked all night and had only slept a few hours when my son called . he said mom you need to call teresa . its important. i could tell by the tone of his voice this wasn't going to be good . . with those word's i was wide awake. i don't panic easily . so i said i want you to tell me {knowing she would be upset and might get things mixed up }. so he informed me that Teresa's grand mother had passed away around 3-4 a.m. . he then said mom there is more . kandy {age 23 } died in a house fire in windom ks at aprox 9-930 this morning . it was { 9.45 a.m. }@ the time i got the call. little was known at this time . Later in the day . we got more information . three times {brando Wolf } fire fighter and others ,had tried to reach kandy. the heat was intense. kandy whom was sleeping upstairs near where the fire started . he was limited to searching by feel. he found her unconscious and managed to bring her to the top of the stairs before he suffered burns from his pants melting to his leg's . .members of the household had been sleeping when the fire started. . . a passer by had noticed the smoke coming from the second floor of the home . he aroused the sleeping members of the home . but couldn't get to kandy. due to the intense heat and smoke . [hopefully,she died in her sleep thats what everyone was hoping for . {brandon was life watched to to a wichita kansas hospital. . the house was a total lose . kandy was one semister from graduation of the college is Salina . the fire appeared to have started in the attic in an adjacent room to where kandy was sleeping . it was not a good day . so the next day we had a dinner . nothing fancy . just to thank god for having family and friends close at heart . tomorrow is the funneral's . both of them together. kandy and her grand mother Goldie Foskett of lorrine ks . who would have ever thought someone as liked and loved as kandy was would die so soon and so close to the same time as her grandmother . god bless the fire fighters that tried to save her and Thank you all for what you do everyday for all of us .

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Comment by evon on November 29, 2007 at 11:58pm
thank you for the prayer's. time heals most things .some takes just a little more time .
Comment by Brad Carlson on November 29, 2007 at 10:11am
Sorry to hear about the new's.My prayers and thoughts are with you.
Comment by Elizabeth on November 29, 2007 at 9:13am
I'm so sorry to hear that. I want to Thank you so much for sharing that with us . I hope the best for everyone and i will pray for all of you.

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