i wanna know whats the first call you responded to that shook you the most?

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Comment by Jojo on March 2, 2008 at 2:31pm
I was an explorer. A dad was driving home from a memorial day party. He had his little girl and little boy with him. Long story short he rolled little girl died little boy serverly hurt. Little ones were kids of one of the emt's and we explorers used to babysit for her.
Comment by Mason on November 22, 2007 at 4:26pm
the first one that shook me was an mva with one guy apparently drunk in the middle of the day went up and embankment and struck an on coming suv.
the suv spun rolled and ejected all four of its occupants, two children and their mother and father.
when we arrived, all i could see was the mangled pick up truck, and the suv sitting right side up. after arrival i grabbed the first in bag and delivered it to some passer by emt's that stopped.
the father of the kids was non responsive, and i never even saw the mother b/c she was about 30 ft into the field. stat medivac was called in for imediate air lift, along with lifeline, both of which staged in our departments parking lot. later on after pd finished the four hour investigation i found out the kids had lost their father.
to this day i can see those kids, standing over their father, as the emt's work on him.
Comment by WhiteLightning on November 22, 2007 at 11:57am
I'd have to say it was a double fatality that we were "mutual aid" on. Two vehicle with one T-boned into the other. The single occupant survived, but the T-boned couple (cause of the MVA) were DOA. The wife was in the passenger seat and it was pushed behind her husband. We thought there was only one in the vehicle when we arrived. But soon saw her while we were recovering the driver. We had to cut them both out. It took forever to get the JP there to pronounce. Of course it seemed like even longer due to the high volume of rubber-neckers.We wound up shielding view with salvage covers. Thank goodness for stress de-briefings. They really helped.
Comment by Huey on November 22, 2007 at 1:30am
MY VERY FIRST CALL!!! Not first to shook up FIRST EVER!!! I got voted on at mtg on tues night sometime around 8pm or so. The very next day about 6pm or so. We had a gas line explode from a farmer hitting it doing tile in the field. No fire that we ever know of all just pressure explosion. Killed one and seriously injured another one. I didnt even have all my gear yet and here I am helping pick up a dead man that was blown all over the place. Very much 2nd guessed my choice but look back now and would never have done it any other way and still love it. Gotta love the stress debriefings!.

Comment by Daniel Lawson on November 21, 2007 at 9:42pm
i forgot to add it was a firefighters league and it was a brother firefighter
Comment by Daniel Lawson on November 21, 2007 at 9:41pm
believe it or not it wasnt my first call that was what bothered me but i was actually doing fire ems for a couple of years but it was who it was that shook me up. i played softball for another fire company and we were playing the championship game when one of the guys who played for the other team took himself out of the game because he didnt feel well. he walked to the bench and collapsed and was having siezures in a matter of less then 5 minutes he crashed on me i did all i could to save him O2 cpr and just as i started cpr medics rolled up they shocked him a dozen times and continued to the hospital where he died. i was guessing and second guessing myself all night and the next day or so only to find out he died from a brain anyerism and there was nothing i could do but it still bothers me to this day.

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