Last Thursday November 8 started out like any old thursday's did in the past. At the end of the day it would be a day to remember for everyone. I got up around 8:30 am and went to my doctor's appointment. While I was listening to my doctor my pager went off and then it went off again. I thought it was an automatic alarm and the second page was a cancel. Boy was I wrong. The second page was for more man power for a working two family house and it was fully involved on arrivual. I was on the fourth engine in and we went to work. We found out later we lost a 22 year old male and a 26 year old female. I had the job of helping remove the bodies. I know in this job we need to be prepared but nothing could ever prepared me for the events of that day. I know there are times we have no othr choice but please everyone out there remember that training is the key and can help us fight fires better. In this case we had no chance we were behind the eight ball...

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Comment by Chad on November 7, 2008 at 2:52pm
Yea i joined just last year and i only had two calls like that. My very first call was an ambulance call. It turned out to be DOA. Then just a few weeks ago we had a bad wreck that we lost a 22 year old female and life flighted an 18 year old female. Both of those calls still stick with me. I just can't seem to get rid of the memories of those two calls but we have to work through it knowing that we did our best to save them and jump on the truck for the next call. These feelings just make us human. Stay Safe!!
Comment by Danny on November 25, 2007 at 5:33pm
I have been on several fire calls that we have had to remove the deceased. Its not an easy one to do but its part of the job..the one that will probably always stick out in my mind is a 3 year old. the fire was started by a lighter and he got trapped by the fire and being scared and was not able to make it out of his room. After the investiagtion i put him in the bag and packed him to the corners vehicle.

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