I just want to say how amazing my friend is. He has had alot of ups and downs in the last couple of years, but tackled it all with his head high and really never complained. He just recently went through an EMT class and took the state exam. HE PASSED!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of him and what he has accomplished over the last year and a half. Especially with his courage to take on starting his life over and continuing his dream, his passion of being a FF, starting a new job, and continuing his education for being a FF and even trying to rebuild and fix his releationship with his family. Sometimes I wish he could see what I see in him when he starts to doubt himself, he truly is amazing. He may not know who he is supposed to be, but deep down I can see who he is. A great friend, an amazing man with a very big heart, the best boyfriend--wink wink and someone I look up to.

I keep reading some of the stories everyone posts and ff really do go through alot. I can't say that I know or can understand...but my heart goes out to each and everyone of you for taking on the task and trying to do what you can so you can save lives, help those in need and just be there for your community.

Congratulations Stealthy, on a job well done I knew you could do it. I am so proud of you for being a FF and doing everything possible to better yourself and have the knowledge to help your community. I love you.


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Comment by Chel on August 27, 2008 at 9:40am
Thank you for your comments. Yes I agree you are all a rare breed. Thank god for you all.

I doubt he is blushing.....but yes he is sweet!!! Thanks again for the comments. I didn't really expect any. I just wanted to let him know how proud I am of him. I try to remind him regularly but when he is doing everything he can to better himself and the lives of others, I think that deserves a little something, it can never be enough as far as Im concerned but I try. All of you please take care, and stay as safe as you can.

Comment by Cathy Shipley on August 26, 2008 at 8:57pm
Tell him congrats from me please..we need all the help out here we can get..We do our jobs with very little thanks and a lot of BS from the everyday public, but I hope he handles it daily with the thought that he is a rare breed and the personal satifaction will get him through anything..Thanks, Cathy..(EMS..27yrs)
Comment by debbie snacks on August 26, 2008 at 8:04pm
aw. what a sweetie pie. hehe. i betchya he's all blushing....

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