I started out 17 years ago when I was with a friend of mine and our town started flooding and I took him to the station to start rescue operations. The Chief asked if I wanted to help, so he give me a pair of boots and I jumped on the back of the truck and have been hooked ever since. Through everything I've been through since I've always had my brothers and sisters right there when I need them most. I love what I do and wouldn't change anything. I just got trained in First Responder when my Step-Son was killed by a drunk driver, I know the responders on the scene did everything they could. But I decided then and there that I was going to become a Paramedic as soon as I can afford the class and then do everything I can to get as many Firefighters as possible trained the best they can be to try harder to advance the fieldwork to give the patients more chance to survive. As a volunteer and with my age all the factors are against me but I'll never give up or quit. I will be there one day and hopefully we'll all get along better and we'll give our patients and victoms the best care they need.
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