I geuss I'm writing this because I've had so many of my co-workers as me why I decided to become a volunteer firefighter and I just feel the need to vent a little.I'm sure other members of the site have written similar blogs but its just that I'ld like to get this off my chest.
I have been asked did I join for the money.Thats a good one,a kid working at a fast food resturant makes more an hour than I do when I'm on a call and they arent having to deal with a quarter of the things that I might have to when on a call.My dept is a paid on call volunteer department,so I geuss I'm luckier than some of the other volunteers on that point.My answer to that question is always NO.
I have also been asked if I joined because I wanted to be a hero.That one always give me a chuckle before I again answer,NO.
There have also been the silly ignorant questions to numerous to mention or remember,along with the comment that all you guys do is sit around and drink and goof off.Boy would I love to get the people who make the silly ignorant questions and comments do a nite of training with us some time or have them get woken up in the middle of the nite in December for a call knowing full well its going to freezing cold out and you are leaving a nice warm house and bed to go help some one you might not know or ever see again.
My reasons for joining are I wanted to give back to the town where I grew up and now where my kids are growing up.I also had a feeling that there was something missing in my life,once I joined that feeling went away.Yes Iknow that might sound silly or even a little nuts,but if you know me then you know its normal,,lol at least for me that is.
I didnt join to be a hero or because the pay and the hours are so good.Though one day after school my oldest got into my truck and looked at me and told me I was a hero,I looked at her and asked her why I was a hero.Her reply was that I was a hero because I helped people out when they were in all sorts of trouble because they had an accident or there house was on fire and I went to help them,so maybe to her I'm a hero but to me I'm just doing what I was trained to do.
The reasons that I joined are like many others have said in their profiles,I want to give back to my community.I have the good fortune to be a member of the fire dept. of the town where I was raised and where my wife and I are now raising our girls.Before I joined there ws a feeling inside of me that something was missing in my life,when I became a member of my department that feeling disappeared from inside of me.I know that may sound weird to some of you,but others may know what I'm refering to.Besides for those of you who know me you'll already know I'm a little weird to begin with so for me I geuss that it's normal,,lol.
Forgive me if I rambled and wandered while writing this its just that I'm not used to putting things down in words more of a just say it and get it over with type of person and dont worry about getting it down for anyone to read or worry about.
So thank you for taking the time to read this and putting up with my poor typing an grammar.

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Comment by Deanna on April 15, 2009 at 11:00am
Hey, that was very well put. I am one of those that wants to give back. After being in the Navy, I just felt empty. This has been one of the best things I have done.
Comment by Pompy on August 9, 2008 at 11:00am
catfish thats just the way i decided to title it.i know why im doing it.as far as you saying that those who ask why dont deserve an answer i feel that you're wrong on that point.i answer those peoples questions as nicely as possible with my reasons for doing it,i do that because it might get them to thinking and get them interested in joining their local fire dept or ambulance.maybe you should try that the next time some one asks you why you do it,your answer or lack of might influence a potential member from either joining or not.
Comment by catfish on August 8, 2008 at 5:34pm
if you have to ask why then maybe you should not be doing it.and if others ask why they deserve no explination.if they have to ask they wouldnt understand
Comment by Lisa on August 6, 2008 at 11:00pm
Pompy! That was great!! Well written too! And you are all heroes to me, wether you like to hear it or not, lol.
Comment by Rae Ann Ozelis on August 6, 2008 at 5:35pm
I know what you are feeling! I get some of the same questions especially being a female firefighter, I sure get some crazy ones!!! I really have to say you hit home with me when you talked about something missing in your life, until you joined the fire department! P.S dont worry about your grammar...........

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