Okay we see and deal with this everyday. That one person(s) that no one wants to work with. How do you deal with that?

Sure, everyone is special in their own little way, but what about yourself, have you looked in the mirror lately? How about that person(s) feelings, do they think the same about you? Or do they go home at the end of the day and say, "I can really learn something from them, only if they let me". In other words, you don't want to deal with them because you think they are not able to job the correct way.

Yes, this job is not for everyone, I have seen where a paramedic student did not want to deal with a patient (no need for details- HIPPA), and quit the class the very next day. But what about the ones who have the potential and want to do good, do we help them along the way or place them on the back burner?

Are you confident enough in your skills, where you can show that one person? Or are you one of the
"Public Service Extraordinaire" and there is no one above you.

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Comment by MrC_EMTest2005 on August 12, 2008 at 1:55pm
No doubt, I jumped in this service waist deep and didn't know what I was getting into!!! Everyone that comes into my path, that is new to the game, I am willing to help.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on August 5, 2008 at 10:41pm
Think back to when you were new or the "probie" (I hated that term)...If noone came out and "guided" you, then more than likely you wouldn't be the medic you are today....Regardless of what some think we aren't supposed to eat our young so-to-speak...This isn't the easiest business to do, and yet some of us not only do it but VOLUNTEER to do it....Boy we must be nuts...LOL Stay safe and take the probie under your wing....Keep the Faith...........Paul

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