Spring has sprung, and that can only mean one thing.......it's FDIC season! With the day to day operations of the firehouse, running calls, apparatus maintenance, phone constantly ringing and training, not to mention, Im back in school again. You begin to get run down and even shutter when the tones drop. A vacation is nice, some time away to relax with the wife and kids.....yeah great, but there is nothing that recharges my batteries and love of this career like FDIC. 35,000 of your closest brothers and sisters getting together for a week of great classes, great expo and amazing brotherhood! This will be my 10th year attending and my 5th year in a row and I am as giddy as kid at Christmas. I was telling one of my younger guys, who's going for the first time, this something that you will never expierence again (until next year). Enjoy the classes, learn the craft from some of the biggest names in the fire service, shead a tear during the opening ceremonies, introduce yourself to Champ or Ray McCormack, have a beer with some brothers from Canada. This is the Super-Bowl of the fire service and Im damn proud to be a part of it. See you there.

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