2008 Toyota Prius small battery episode!
After dinner at 7:00 PM, I jumped in my 2008 Toyota Prius car and pushed start button. Felt that I did not push brake enough to start car so pushed start button second time and pushed again with brake pushed. All dash board light illuminated and stayed on with engine check light, as usual they go away immediately and engine runs in another 40 seconds. So I pressed start button to shut down and repeat start three four times. Engine check light did not go away... Turn on ceiling light of car and repeat start procedure but engine check light did not go away and ceiling light of car start deeming. Smell started coming near passenger side like rotten eggs. I came home did net search for the problem find few post for rotten eggs smell but no one says that its small battery problem. So thought, I should buy scanner to get code of check engine light,
There was only engine check and airbag light on, on the dash board.
Called for jump start...they did not come up to 10:30 PM. Gave call at 10:45 PM if I still need Jump start? I schedule for morning...I could not slept very well, little back pain started because of stress in morning!
In morning car was totally dead. Not dashboard display at all. Nothing happens if I push start button. Even no engine check light. Jump start guy came around 7:45 AM and he gave jump start. I start the car and all dashboard display came as normal. No engine check light.
Aftermarket hybrid Battery supplier/installer friend from Virginia also confirmed that this is small battery problem. Jump start guy said do not think you do not have problem, you still have problem and you need jump start better drive to dealer or any garage.
I planned to go to dealer, but decided to check with Advance auto parts people for small battery, so could not get busted by dealer for diagnostic charge and they will drag to big battery replacement with asking price $4500. Advance auto parts guy checked for small battery and showed scanner message that replace battery. In process asked to shut down car and it was dead. Advance auto parts guy gave jump start and I started car again . Everything was normal and drove to dealer just mile away from there. Asked them to change small battery. My small battery which died was dated 08/12 means installed in August 2012, after I bought the car.
They gave $212 price. id not provide enough warranty info, did not tell me which battery they are going to put. May be my fault. As I was thinking that I did not kept room for them to drag me to panic for big battery replacement, felt good so did not ask. Labor to install battery was $136. They gave me 10% discount as I used them first time. SO after tax I spend $316. Advance auto parts people did not have Prius battery on stock and installation required professional skills, but they give you names of Professional small and big battery installer and you can call and make deal for installation.
I hope this will help someone who is not sure which battery is bad in Toyota Prius 2008 and around models.
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