Gus2620's Blog (5)

One of those days...

It's been awhile since I posted a blog because it's been awhile since I have something to talk about. Things were sooooooo slooooooww for soooooooo looooooong...

That's over now. A minor MVA got us out a few days ago and I said then 'this is going to break our dry spell'. Well it did. We've had a few small calls since then and we did a training burn today that was frankly a lot of fun. But fate being the fickle finger that it is I'd no sooner gotten out of the shower this afternoon…


Added by Gus2620 on November 17, 2007 at 10:58pm — No Comments

Spoke to soon..

Was over the river in Oklahoma tonight at a high school football game (which didn't go well by the way). On the way home I stumbled onto a one car roll-over. The man and his wife were already out of the car and she she was most serious with a head-lac. People had stopped to help but I was the first emergency service there without so much as a band-aid with me. A few minutes later a medic also from Paris showed up. He had been to the same ball game and I was sure glad to see him. The local EMS… Continue

Added by Gus2620 on September 8, 2007 at 3:57am — No Comments

Not much to report..

Well there hasn't been a lot going on since my last blog post but I'm kind of tired of seeing the pic that is at the top so I'd better write something to bump it down some. We've had one call in over a week. A one acre grass fire hardly worth a mention.

Friday night a few of the guys and I got together to eat some campfire food and drink a brew or two. Ten minutes after we opened the first beers the radio started going nuts. About six calls for other departments in the county within…


Added by Gus2620 on September 5, 2007 at 7:17pm — No Comments

Called out last night..

Here's and interesting shot of me (left) and my pards making entry into an OLD! one level wood frame (I hate tongue-n-groove ceilings). We didn't find much inside but charred walls and lots of hot spots. The real fire was in the attic by then so we pulled out and went after 'the beast' from the outside. Not our biggest fire of the month, but a good one anyway. Nobody home, nobody hurt.



Added by Gus2620 on August 26, 2007 at 12:57pm — No Comments

Here I am...

I just found this site today and so far I'm impressed. Lots of people and lots of activity. I'm not much of a blogger but I'll do my best to write something now and then. Who knows, maybe someone will even read it. But for now I'm just going to hang out and make a few friends. Heck, I made a friend while I was writing this post. Hi Jojo.

By the way this isn't me in this photo, but I took the photo. The problem with…


Added by Gus2620 on August 23, 2007 at 10:29pm — No Comments

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