Sean Miller's Blog (3)

The Science of Fire (Old)

Fire can be one of nature’s most devastating natural forces. However it can also be one of the most scientific. I am almost certain that almost any normal person doesn’t know a large amount about fire, other than the fact that burns. There are many different aspects of fire. The first aspect is how fires ignite. This includes the elements need for fire to exist. Next, the next bit of information about fire is the stages of fire. There are four stages; these include ignition, growth, fully… Continue

Added by Sean Miller on December 21, 2009 at 12:11am — 7 Comments

A Decline in Volunteer Firefighters and What Can Be Done About It

"It takes a very special person to volunteer his time," (Stephens et al 14) however, the number of these special people who volunteer as firefighters is declining and fire departments are doing all they can to retain current volunteer firefighters and gain new ones. Over the years, the number of volunteer firefighters within the United States has been declining. Not only is it becoming difficult to persuade people in joining fire departments, but it is also becoming more difficult to retain the… Continue

Added by Sean Miller on December 21, 2009 at 12:02am — 8 Comments

Recruitment and Retention: A Look at What's Working.

With the number of volunteers decreasing throughout the nation, there are many actions being taken to counteract this situation. Recruitment and retention is the volunteer fire services new battle. From different training activities to gain interest, to recruitment drives and incentive plans, there are many varying approaches to this problem. On the other hand, what is really working?

From a volunteers perspective I feel that the fire departments suffering from low numbers of volunteers… Continue

Added by Sean Miller on December 20, 2009 at 11:59pm — 1 Comment

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