Ray van den Bel
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Online networking, my passion

Yes I am not a firefighter, but I love to see how people on this group interact and to learn lesson from it which I can use in my own group, the Open Networkers .

I am a passionate networker trying to get a clear picture on different groups of people using different communication styles. I am asked to write a book about it. The FF forum is a very good site in my opinion using a very straight forward communication style to Firefighters.

My group, the Open Networkers (www.opennetworkers.info) have an ideal in bringing people together across the globe and to help Open Networkers to promote their expertise, no matter if you are a firefighter or another specialist. We try to actively help in finding jobs as well and that is why we have several jobboards for recruiters and for JobSeekers (the latter is free to use) as well. Membership and everything else on the ON is free.

My contrubution to the FF-site (its' free): a Google map for Firefighters:

Talk to other Open Networkers across the internet and Portal borders. It is open source, you can copy and paste the code of this widget your your own web-page, blog or ning-profile and thus create an instant communication device. Do visit the Open Networkers, we have over 20 specialist groups there now..
The chatrooms on Meebo are having some problems lately due to their popularity. Therefore we have created the ON B-room, which always works, either from the ON Toolbar or by using this hyperlink to it.
Here is the explanation how you can make your own profile button..
Ray is a new web 2.0 professional and futurist who strongly beliefs that the internet is moving to a more personal and individual experience. Quality of the online communication and networking experience is getting better all the time. It is increasingly enabled by online availability of broadband and server-capacity. It will change the way we interact online and transform it into a really working personal and business communication tool instead of a mere information billboard. It will enable us to show our inner-self, our personal or company communication style and to be very selective towards who we like to 'talk' with. We will build very targeted online communities with people using the same 'language' , the same communication styles just because we Can. Self-consciousness and being 'present' (Tolle) is thus in his opinion not only the first step towards online profiling and success in the new web 2.0 era, but also essential towards true individual creativeness, collective strategic thinking and Leadership. He has created the Open Networkers (opennetworkers.info) movement with that objective in mind for people who want to join him towards that goal. In less than a year, more than 13.000 online networkers have followed his example. Ray is currently busy writing a book about his vision in online networking and communication.
Ray advises and coaches companies and individual people to communicate and network effectively on Web 2.0 and web 3.0 in order to achieve that goal. More about Ray: www.vandenbel.com

N.B: I can create a network like this one for your company as well...just contact me: vandenbel@gmail.com My fees are published here.

Ray van den Bel's Blog

ON Firefighter Group; with a Google Map where you can add yourself

Posted on August 3, 2007 at 11:04am 0 Comments

Yes I am not a firefighter, but I love to see how people on this group interact and to learn lesson from it which I can use in my own group, the Open Networkers. And to do something in return for that learning experience, I have made a Google map for this group where you can add yourself. Hopefully you will find it usefull.

About me

I am a passionate networker… Continue

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At 10:27pm on August 25, 2007, turk182 said…
checking in with my friends list hope you are well and lets be careful out there.
At 8:55pm on August 22, 2007, Jeri From Jersey said…
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
At 9:47pm on August 19, 2007, Jeri From Jersey said…
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
At 10:53am on August 16, 2007, turk182 said…
thanks for the add i hope every thing is going well
At 8:46am on August 7, 2007, John said…
Thanks For The Add
At 1:57pm on August 6, 2007, Bake said…
At 4:54pm on August 5, 2007, Adam said…
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
At 9:33pm on August 4, 2007, Brent said…
thanks for the request
At 6:46pm on August 4, 2007, James Brasiel said…
Thanks for the friend request. I have added you to my friend list.
At 11:12pm on August 3, 2007, Jeri From Jersey said…
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

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