tony b
  • 53, Male
  • brentwood
  • United States
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  • Jerry Engle
  • Ross Hager(FIREDOG)
  • Jeff Borra
  • david spigone
  • robert mcdermott
  • Wayne Mitchell
  • Gumby10733
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  • julie waldron
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  • traci thompson
  • don murray
  • Jimmy Pilkerton
  • Chirs Ransom

tony b's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
15 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bunker Hill Fire and Rescue Assc.
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
FFI,FFII,EMT-B,EVOC,Trench and Collapse
About Me:
Well I started at Hyattsville VFD,Comapany 1 in Aug of 1990.I was an active member there for about a year and then became inactive to help raise my son.Then I transferred to Cottage City/Colmar manor in Oct. of 1995,and have been there ever since.In my time with Cottage City I have held the ranks of Fire marshal,fire Sgt.,EMS sgt.,EMS LT.,Fire LT., and Board of director.
Day Job:
radio tech.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
for the excitement and a chance to try and do some good.
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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 4:45pm on February 12, 2009, R Griffin said…
thought I got johnny cages site LOL BE SAFE!!!
At 6:15pm on November 29, 2008, Tony said…
What Up Tony
At 2:26pm on June 19, 2008, Floyd Aldridge Jr said…
How can I get a Bunker Hill Patch?? I'm a life member @ 34. Matter of fact I'm the Chief's older brother!! THANKS!!
At 3:41pm on February 21, 2008, Reggie Cervantes said…

What: Emergency Rally for 9/11 Health
When: TUESDAY February 26, 2008
Where: The United States Capitol, Washington, DC
10:00am to 12:00pm

12:30pm to 1:30pm
At 1:52pm on February 10, 2008, Jeff Borra said…
How can I get a bunker hill patch. Started with 34 in the 70's
At 2:35pm on October 2, 2007, Wayne Mitchell said…
Hi Tony, thanks for the add... I have the first 3 seasons of Emergency on dvd. They are so cool but man it's funny how they duid things back then.. :) Be safe, buddy....
At 4:08am on August 10, 2007, Firefighter Nation WebChief said…
Hey, Tony that you've got the full profile I know who ya are....always good to see someone from 32 Hour Class! LOL

At 11:18pm on August 9, 2007, Jimmy Pilkerton said…
whats up Tony
At 12:32pm on July 24, 2007, Teresa Ann Crisman said…
At 10:35am on July 24, 2007, Firefighter Nation WebChief said…
Welcome to Firefighter Nation!

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