  • 39, Male
  • Noel
  • United States
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Combination, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Noel, MO
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Currently in the process of finishing my FF I, II, Haz-Mat Ops, and terrorism awareness. I start the next semester for my EMT-B and possibly somoneday to a paramedic. (not sure about that yet)
About Me:
Well, what more is thre to say. When somone is a fire fighter, they don't do it because they can't find anything else. They do it because they love the job. I have so much respect for everyone in the services, that no matter what they are going through in their personal lives, get up every day and drive on with the desire to make someone else their priority. I have done a couple of years as a volunteer fire fighter and am hoping by this next summer I can be full-time at a city of 20- 30 thousand. I have always thought fire fighters were "so cool". But when I turned 18 and joined a volunteer FD, I fell in love with it immediately. As soon as I could I started medical traing and running those calls as well. I love everyaspect of fire fighting and want to be the best at it, not to say I am the best, but so that I may serve the myself, my parteners and the people in the best way possible. As soon I get the money to finish my traing I know I will get started and find my home in the career I love.
Day Job:
Wal-Mart corporate office call center
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I would have to say it was for a couple of reason. One, I love the rush you get within the ffirst milli-second of hearing our tone. Two and three kind of tie together and I have found that if I am away from it for a while it prove to be more true. The feeling of helping somone especially when they are unable to help themselves. Three, (and this is what I meant by it proves to be more true) being the over-all need in my life to serve something greater than myself. If I have dow times, I know the one thing I can count on to make me feel better is to stop thinking abou myself and help someone else. ** Not to mention firefighters are just plain bad ass.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The same reason why I became a fire fighter.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Aside from the job itself? Terrorism and a lack of funding for those departments that need it.

Shain's Friends

  • Derek Nelson
  • Jenifer Hill
  • FeliMarie

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