Mark Cano
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  • Rockland USA
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Mark Cano's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
San Antonio Fire Department
Dept. Web Site:
Day Job:
My wife and I make wooden name plaques and sell them on eBay to help our family with the bills. Living on a small pension is hard.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
When I was little, I wanted to rideon the back of the fire truck, didnt everyone? Later on in life, it was just a calling for me, I had to be a firefighter, wanting to help people in my neighborhood. I even volunteered to be stationed at one of the busiest stations in town which was in my old stompin grounds. After the academy, my wish was granted.
After I retired, I still wanted to help people so I went back to school and earned my nursing license, LVN.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
You can't help everyone, but at least those who you come in contact with, you give your all. The look of relief on the victims faces when they see you.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
We still don't get the respect and cooperation from the city for better equipmnt and help.

Mark Cano's Blog

My side job for relaxation..ahhhhh listening to the sound of a scrollsaw!

Posted on November 5, 2007 at 1:57am 0 Comments

Howdy yall from San Antonio Texas. Since retiring from the Fire Dept. and living on what is a so-called pension for a family of four. Terry, my wife of 20 years and 2 growing boys, Brandon 19 in college for computer science/coding and Kevin 13, a seventh grader, it gets really really tight. So what did I do? I got a second job as a nurse. I thought I could change some things but as with everything, theres so much red tape. And I found out later, you could work a a local barbecue restaurant…


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At 5:27pm on September 28, 2007, Firefighter Nation WebChief said…
Welcome to Firefighter Nation!

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Thanks again, and check the site daily for new pics, videos, members and more! Feel free to post any questions or comments on my profile page at or e-mail

Please forward this to all your friends!

Web Chief

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