alway wanted to be part of the service, have a lot of relitivesa in the service, love to help pepole in need.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the look on a persons face when you show up to help them.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
new construction how cheep houses are being bilt today, new cars and all the securty devices thay come with, and last but not least the lack of intrest in what we do.
i've noticed sence i've been on the department that the dream of being a firefighter is not all that it used to be. kids now days dont dream about beeing a fireman. and the kids that did dream of it dont dream of it any more. so there is lack of intrest. so the departments suffer with out personell and calls dont get made. so pepole dont get the help thay need.
Interesting observation about the lack of aspiring firefighters. In Australia there' been a lot of concern raised about how to entice members to join and then to retain them. Don't know the answer....
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