John Flynn
  • West Palm Beach, FL
  • United States
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John Flynn's Friends

  • Linda Blaisdell
  • Ryan Chinn
  • Jared micheal freeman
  • FFN WebTeam
  • Dina Lynn
  • Colleen
  • Crystal
  • Lorraine
  • Firefighter30
  • mike
  • Firefighter Mortgages
  • Robin Inman
  • Jessica Shrewsbury
  • Mark Akins
  • John Kriska

John Flynn's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Since 1988!
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Palm Beach County Florida
Years With Department/Agency
Since 1988
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
State Certified fire fighter
State Certified EMT/Paramedic
State Certified Instructor II
State Certified Live Fire Instructor NFPA 1403
State Certified Inspector
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was working restaurants when I was young and decided that that was not for me. I applied to a local job but found another restaurant job in Florida. I moved down to Florida and soon quit the restaurant job. Palm Beach County Fire Rescue was hiring so I applied and was hired. I soon became firefighter EMT. Later, my department put me through paramedic training and I was assinged to the 3rd Battalion. I love that area!!

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At 2:43pm on October 16, 2011, Linda Blaisdell said…

Hey John, I'm on facebook as well. I'll try to find ya & friend you there too.



At 5:18pm on June 17, 2011, Jared micheal freeman said…
do you have facebook
At 12:22pm on June 9, 2011, Linda Blaisdell said…
I live in Bat 3's area. 31 is being built nicely. All the guys & gals in that station definitely have earned a new one. It was falling apart. If I haven't met you by now, I know I'll run into ya eventually & gladly shake your hand Sir.

Take Care. Be SAFE. GOD Bless You Sir.

At 5:58pm on March 26, 2011, Firefighter Nation WebChief said…
At 7:13pm on September 2, 2008, Firefighter Mortgages said…
Wassup, brother! Just checkin' in! Stay safe and keep pipin'!!!!

At 12:20pm on March 13, 2008, Colleen said…
I dont know if you played at Rays funeral Friday (there was so many people there I could not point people out, sorry) but I wanted you to know my husband and I thought your group did an awesome job and Michele and the family talked about your group often these past few days. Thank you and the county for all the support they have given the family. They are Very Very grateful. Stay safe..
At 11:01pm on March 7, 2008, Lorraine said…
Tomorrow will be a better day!
I Need A Better Day
At 7:17pm on March 6, 2008, Lorraine said…
If you are playing at the funeral tomorrow, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm on duty. Rainbow Rose
At 10:07pm on February 10, 2008, Troy said…
Brother flyn,

It's been a while how are the brothers of palm bch. I hope this finds you, ferg, surf dog, and all the other brothers in good health and safe. I need to get down there and see evry one again soon. tell the gang that Troy Todak said high. You guys stay safe and take care.
Seminole County Fire Rescue
At 8:24am on January 5, 2008, John Flynn said…
Well of course!!! But I am new to this whole thing so I don't know how?!?! talk me through it ........

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