I annitially wanted to be a special needs teacher, but was dating this guys who was in the town dept. I was helping him study for a big exam and told him the ems system seemed pretty interesting. He then asked me to stop reading his books because I could never handle being a firefighter or emt because I was a girl. I was pretty hurt then decided to find out if I could handle it. I then joined the fire dept got my first responder recieved fire fighter of the year and just finished my emt class getting ready to take my big exam. All I have to say BOOOOOOYYAAAAAAAA!
God grant me SERENITY To give emergency care with calm composure and compassion; COURAGE To deal with every situation, when lives are on the line, to the best of my abilities; and WISDOM To know that I can only do so much, and the rest is in Your Hands.
i just read your profile. i am glad that you proved your b/f wrong. i have fought berside a few women firefightrers. i can say i trust them with my life anyday. way to go. if yu want...add me.thanx
At 7:53am on December 31, 2008, Dennis Brown said…
Hi FF woow that hurts short manpower you just be safe out there and have a Happy New Year
At 12:17pm on December 30, 2008, Dennis Brown said…
Hello ff316 how are things in your neck of the woods good i hope you have a good new year from the jersey shore
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