urban structural firefighter 13 yrs
swift water rsq...swift water boat operator/flood water rescue 13 yrs
dive rescue 13 yrs
ARFF Firefighter 2 yrs, firefighter instructor 1 2 yrs, cpr instructor Promoted to Captain 10/3/07
About Me:
ex college wrestler turned ex navy salvage diver and mine sweep bos'n turned, turned career firefighter
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
love being a firefighter...don't always love management
Why I Love Fire/EMS
knowing I can help save and +influance lives, its a vocation not a occupation
Top Issues Facing Responders:
labor vs. management, serious funding for wmd and mass casulity incidents and serious training for same, ending freelancing and close adhearance to 2 in 2 out rule. shrinking funding vs. increasing call volume from major older urban dept., ff call volume with expanding roles ie. ems runs, technical rescue, hazmat etc vs. city leaders shrinking budgets
Just a question to take the pulse of firefighter nation...Should firefighter and medic hiring be strictly a meritocracy based on testing results and educational backgound (ie. degrees, certifications, licences), or should other factors be involved (ie. politics, friendships)??
Hi. Good to see a fellow St. Louisian on the site. If there is anything I can do to be of service, please let me know. I have visited some of the area fire houses in the past and gave the guys shoe shines. Would be willing to offer this to your house if you think your guys might be intererested.
actually if your talking about the place off of hwy z before you get into new melle a private person owns it from out of town we have been trying to get permission from them for diving and what ever else
I see I can't help you there I am on a all volunteer dept. and a combination dept. that only has 8 paid firefighters. Take care St. Louis is a great city from what I have seen.
Hey how are you? I go through St. Louis at least once a year. About your blog I think politics is always going to be in the fire service. I also beleive that it really hurts the fireservice because they are getting the job because they can not because it is what they love.
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I didnt know that u and Corey Cooper were related. lol Just kidding you are both from Desoto
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