William R Blain
  • Male
  • Grand Prairie, TX
  • United States
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William R Blain's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
6 as Volunteer EMT/6 as Chaplain
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Duncanville Texas
Years With Department/Agency
Just started my 6th year as the departments Chaplain
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Retired Navy Chaplain, Retired Senior Pastor
My Training:
CISS, CSIM, CSIC, Suicide Intervention, Emergency Response Team, Hospitals Ethic's Committee, 15 years Senior Pastoral Experience, Adjunct Professor at SAGU, teaching Theology, Church History, Taught Grief & Dying, LODD Instructor Navy, Total Quaility Leadership Instructor, Career Counselor, 2007 & 2007 Federations Training, Boy Scouts Executive Counsel Corpus Christi Texas, Monthly day and night shift ride outs with both Fire stations and Police, Dealing w/ Difficult People, Ship Board Fire Fighting, Plane Fire Fighting, Coordinator for Coast Guard ER Response Team, Army's ER Response Team, Navy Flightline ER Response Team, Construction Battalion ER Response Team, Chairman Suicide Prevention Counsel, Brig Chaplain, Kiwanis Board Member, Coordinated Catholic Funeral for a Catholic Flight Instructor, Played on and named to the West Texas All Star Semi pro football Team, Corpus Christi, Coorndinated DEFY Program of Drug Education for Youth, Established a Grief Adjustment Support Group at Every Command I served, Started a Compulsive Behavioral Support Group at every Command I served at, and many other organizations of public service training.
About Me:
Retired after serving as both an Enlisted man and an Officer in the Navy. From Jet Mechanic too Chaplain. Married for 26 years to the most awesome woman in the world, we have two outstanding children. A truly Wonderfuly family that has supported me everyday in my ministry to those who stand in the gap for the rest of America, rather from a fire truck, ambulance, police car, tank or aircraft carrier. I am fully Endorsed by the Assembly of God, Graduate of Southwestern Assembly of God University, Graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Recieved mulitiple awards and personal medals for the work we where able to accomplish in the Air portion of the Navy, as well as the Coast Guard and Marines, and Army and National Guard. Worked extra hours in the ER in San Angelo for more learning as an EMT.
Day Job:
Volunteer at the Police or Fire Station's in our town
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
http://William R Blain
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To serve those first responders who serve us, even to the point of sacrificing their lives. If I can in anyway provide these heros with any help, regardless what they believe, spiritually, or with counseling, or too address family concerns or just be a safe place for the individual to be heard, without any fear of their confidence being violated. Then this is my calling, to those who serve others without regard for their on personal safety. It is honor to be around these folks and even a greater honor if I can be of some service to them or their families.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Because of the incredible courage I see in either voluteer or paid firefighters
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Stuffing their issues of bad runs where a baby dies or a couple in their 80's where not able to get out of their burning house. Too many cuts in training in the areas of CSIS, for police having too be so politically correct it could cost them their lives.

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At 11:14am on December 26, 2009, Kirk D. Baughman said…
welcome to the FNN Family. hope you enjoy this site. it's a great tool to learn from and to teach each other from stuff you learn from your station.
At 1:25am on December 25, 2009, tom amato said…
hey can you leave me a workout plan. i am trying to build some more strength up but cant seem to quite get it. do you have anything for me? my email is tomnail89@hotmail.com
im new to this site so i don't know much about it that's why i gave that to you.

At 1:14am on December 25, 2009, DB said…
Hello, Chap
Listen i am the first Fire Department Chaplain here.. I was wondering if you could help me out. I was wondering if you could let me know of any formal DOD fire chaplain training classes?? If not maybe city or coutny?? It would help a lot we see a lot of MVA's and medicals here.
At 12:54am on December 24, 2009, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
William, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.
Thanks for being there and doing what you do.

Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon

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