I'm 22 and looking to get onto a fire dept. full-time. I really hope to get on at Pittsboro with the next process they have, which who knows when that will be. I love firefighting and ems work. My full time job is being a diesel mechanic and an emt at a private ambulance service. I work around 90 hours a week as well as being a reserve at the Pittsboro Fire Dept. Working so much doesn't leave room for many hobbies but I do have a few. Boating, camping, four-wheeling, and just sitting around watching tv.
Day Job:
Diesel Mechanic/Emt at Transcare
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love firefighting and ems work. It gets my addrenaline going unlike anything else. I can't describe the feelings I get everytime the tones go off.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
it is just awesome. there are no words to describe it
Well I'm getting ready to go take my CPAT this week and then turn in my app for Shelbyville Fire Dept. It will be my first process for a career position.... I'm kinda nervous yet anxious to go through it. I just hope that everything goes well with it. I know it's very hard to get on the first dept you apply for.
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