Stacey Jenkins
  • Female
  • Houston, TX
  • United States
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Stacey Jenkins's Page

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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I am a University of Texas graduate who left investment banking at the right time to be part of the finance team at My main purpose for joining this network is to make friends and absorb as much information as possible so that I can kick some butt in my new position and in life. Be sure to add me as a friend and let me know what book has influenced you most... I try to read 2 new books a month.

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At 10:57am on June 29, 2011, Chris said…
Stacey, Good luck on the new position. A book that has inspired me is by Marcus Luttrell a member of Seal Team 10. This is the story of the only survivor of Operation Redwing, fire team leader Marcus Luttrell, and the extraordinary firefight that led to the largest loss of life in American Navy SEAL history. His teammates fought valiantly beside him until he was the only one left alive, blasted by an RPG into a place where his pursuers could not find him. Over the next four days, terribly injured and presumed dead, Luttrell crawled for miles through the mountains and was taken in by sympathetic villagers who risked their lives to keep him safe from surrounding Taliban warriors.

Just proves that no matter how bad our situation is in life, we can overcome the most dramatic situations.

At 8:34am on October 27, 2010, Rocko said…
Hey you! Good luck with your new postion! I'm sure you really kick butt!
At 2:41pm on August 26, 2009, Mikaël said…
Hello Stacey, If I can recommand a book for You...First of all the Bible (the only one who can changes Your life and teach You everything).
After you can read Victor Hugo, Emile Zola, Blaise Pascal, (all the classical french), Willian Shakespeare, Machiavel...
Tell me what kind of books you are looking for and I will try to tell You the good ones in french.
At 6:17pm on March 20, 2009, Tom said…
thanks for the add keep it safe
At 5:44pm on December 14, 2008, Paul said…
Hey Stacey,
How are you? Hope you don't mind this post, but I noticed you have a MLM business. I have one as well, its a company based in Dallas Tx. Maybe we can help each other. Please take a look at my web site and let me know what you think. I took a quick look at yours and will take a more serious look tonight. Hope to hear from you soon.
At 7:31am on November 30, 2008, Allen said…
Hey Stacey from San Antonio, I am not a die hard book reader mainly cause i do not have a lot of spare time and when i do i just want to relax. There is a couple small books by Pat Ivey "EMT Rescue" i have read, i like to read what others do and how they overcome things. i am more of a reality person than anything else. Hope this helps and please feel free to write back if i can help on anything else.
At 8:20pm on November 16, 2008, Glen Garland said…
Hello Stacey from the great State of Maine,
I found your site while looking through FFN. Interesting ? about the book. My goal is a book a week but often I don't make it due to work and family obligations. The most influencial book for me would be the bible (great examples of leadership) but for firefighting books I like Report from Engine Co. 82, Firehouse by D Halberstam, all of Leo Stapleton's books, and 2 by Don Whitney, DMC publishing. I had the pleasure of working with Don and his books are based in the department I work bias here lol. There are alot of good books not related to the fire service on my list as well but I'm trying to keep this short. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can continue to discuss our booklists:)
At 12:04pm on November 14, 2008, Dennis Brown said…
Hello Stacy how are things in Houston the book that influenced me was patton but when im on the beach i try to read what ever i can
At 9:33am on November 10, 2008, Jeff Betz said…
Hey Stacey, thanks for the add (quite a while ago). I have several suggestions for reading, but right now I'm checking out "the Art of War" by Sun-Tzu. There are tons of "take-offs" of the original, but I'm sticking with the original for now. There are several correlations to being a fire officer (and many other ways to learn from it). It's fairly short, but there is a lot to "read into". I have a business question for you, but I'll hold off for now. Have a great day.
At 2:58pm on November 2, 2008, Brian Dumser said…
Hi Stacey. Greetings from Chicagoland! The book that I credit with influenced me the most is, "Report From Engine Co 82" by Dennis Smith. Stay safe!

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