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I am taking the core classes and completing my education to become a fire fighter

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Shanice's Blog

Cool People!!

Posted on September 22, 2008 at 2:49am 0 Comments

Another post lol!! I just wanted to say there are some really AWESOME people on this site. You know how when you go somewhere, and you feel like OMG are they going to like me. Then everyone is so warm, and kind. Well that's what it's like here everyone is so friendly. It's pretty neat if I must say so myself.

Until we meet again,



Posted on September 22, 2008 at 2:47am 2 Comments

Thought I start off a new blog on here titled "Journey". Hmm!! I love writing blogs lol, and I enjoy people reading them. But anyway back to what I came here to do. For so long I had my mind set on one thing, and that was to become a Forensic Scientist. So many shows inspired me to do that, and I was always content in knowing for sure that was my calling. I did everything in making that possible. Studying anything that had to do with Forensics, looked for school's who offered the best programs,… Continue

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At 9:47am on January 16, 2012, Glyne Alleyne said…

At 2:56pm on May 20, 2009, Carlton Gillis said…
Whats good form Phila.
At 11:44pm on November 16, 2008, CW said…
Hey Lil Lady, Shouts Out frm Ga!!!!
At 11:49pm on October 29, 2008, Glyne Alleyne said…
Hi there Shanice, greetings from the island of Barbados. I hope you achieve your goal of becoming a firefighter. Stay strong...
At 9:22pm on October 15, 2008, Janea said…
You are very welcome. I hope I was a help of some kind. Let me know what you get. Good Luck.
At 11:57pm on September 28, 2008, Holly Jones said…
1. What fire department are you currently stationed at? (could you add here if your the only woman in your department or if there are others)
-I am currently with North East Volunteer Fire Company in Cecil County, MD. I am not the only women in my department, there are 4 of us.

2. How long have you been working at that department?
-I am working on my third year with North East.

3. Did the department you currently work for accept you with open arms being that your a woman?
-Yes, as it is a rule that all be accepted equally, and not accepting women would be discrimination.

4. In any time in your career has any male firefighter challenged your abilities as a woman firefighter?
-Oh yes, many times. Not as many as when I first came in, because I was only 15 and I learned from the males. Its was mostly when the new people were being brought in, they were suprised to see a women sitting on the engine in gear.

5. Were you ever nervous knowning you are a woman going into a "male" dominate career?
-At first, I was very nervous. I was entering my Fire Science class in my High School at the same time that I was being brought into my firehouse, so the pictures scared me and really made me think twice about what I was going to put myself through to get where I am now.

6. When going through the application process did you ever get turned down for being a woman?
-No, although women in the fire service is relativly new so I did get those untrusty looks.

7. Have you ever had someone tell you that you wouldn't make it, because you are a woman? (Anyone you worked with or someone you knew personally or just came across.)
-All the time. My friends at school were pretty supportive, but my boyfriend was 100% against it. A women doing a mans job reall irked his nerves I guess. My family was pretty happy for me. Inside the firehouse you have to prove that you are trustworthy male or female, but females have it harder then most. The trust and acceptance takes longer. I am grateful that my firehouse has accepted me so well, and they feel like family to me. They watch out for me, and I know they would break through a brick wall to save my life.

8. Is there anything specific that motivated you the most to become a firefighter?
-No, I dont have a heroic story like most, who grew up in a fire department. I really wanted to go to a Technical School instead of a boring high school. On the applicatioon was Fire Science and it sparked something.

9. Tell me one thing you find rewarding about being a firefighter?
-There are so many great things you can get from being a firefighter that choosing one is so hard. I guess if I had to choose .. it would be the feeling you get after saving a life. You know when your doing your report, that perso is getting a second chance at living. That their spouse will get their loved one to come home, their children will have a father or mother. You changed the horrible fate of an innocent person and its just amazing. Being a firefighter is the best thing I will have ever done with my life. It has helped me grow up so much, and I believe I am much more mature then most 17 year olds.

10. What advice would you have for me, and other women going into the fire service?
-Keep your head up and keep rolling. You cant let anything stop you from where you want to be. So many people are going to tell you that you cant do something, and you just have to prove them wrong. If you want something you gotta go for it.
At 8:19am on September 26, 2008, Holly Jones said…
Wow, yeah id love to help you out.
I wont be on here this weekend though, Ill be on vacation.
At 7:00pm on September 24, 2008, Janea said…
Did you get my email?
At 10:34am on September 23, 2008, Tim Meckler # 575 said…
welcome to the family shanice
At 6:04am on September 23, 2008, TRUCKIE said…
hey welcome to the nation and stay safe out there

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