Roy Walker
  • Male
  • Kitchener Ontario
  • Canada
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  • April Iachetta
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  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer
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Roy Walker's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Training Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
28 (retired )
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
New Dundee Fire/Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
West Carlelton Fire Department (Ottawa)Member of Municipal Fire Service Instructors Assocition (MFSIA )
My Training:
graduate of Ontario fire college
certified facilitator/trainer
Ontario arson investigator
Advanced first responder/C.P.R instructer
Certified in defibrilation
About Me:
hobbies included amatuer musician in several bands
worked part time summers on summer musical festival starting as a stagehand, moved to lighting, then audio engineering and in last season produced the shows.
Then fire fighting bit me and all my spare time was dedicated to that!
Day Job:
motor vehicle mechanic
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Enjoyed being helpful and the brothership
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The challenges,the pride I feel for the job and the comradery
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Budgets,fundraising and keeping current on training requirements

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At 1:01pm on August 25, 2011, Moose said…
Thanks for adding me Roy, look forward to chatting with you in the forums. Stay safe and talk to you soon.
At 3:00pm on August 24, 2011, Shareef Abdu Nur said…
Roy, thanks for the invite and I would be honored to be called your friend.
At 3:08pm on August 23, 2011, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
You can catch him on Facebook. I will ask him whats up. Did you feel the quake?
At 12:59pm on August 22, 2011, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
Roy, You are my friend and brother. I always want you to know that I'm here for you and your young bride. I'm so thankful things are going well for you buddy!
At 5:31pm on August 20, 2011, Fabulous Heather Days of Summer said…
Hey Roy: Glad to see you are in the game for another season. Seems like this has been a tough few years for a lot of families. You wife is awesome, she is so great to care so deeply for you. We woman can get really scared when our men folk are in danger.

I hope this year treats your whole family better. What else is going on in your life these days? Been playing on FFN much - seems like a lot of changing have been happening on here a lot of the old-timers got annoyed and slunk away to pout... plus summer hit and life got super super busy - so no time to spend on the computer.

Glad to chat with you. So very good to hear from you.

Your family is always in my prayers..
Lady Heather
At 7:06am on August 18, 2011, April Iachetta said…
At 11:37pm on August 23, 2010, Fabulous Heather Days of Summer said…
Thanks. We will see. Time is a big deal in my life right now - I am nor sure that I can devote the amount of time fairly to the department. But there is always next year. I appreciate the affirmation of my return to the department and yes, I do have a lot to give - and love being a firefighter. This website has been me dipping my toe back into the water.
At 10:13pm on August 23, 2010, Fabulous Heather Days of Summer said…
Hey Roy: Great to meet you. In regards to retirement, I served in VT. I actually moved out of State to WA, and had family responsibilities to attend to. When I wanted to join a new department, I just wanted to do EMS for a while to limit my workload, but the local department wanted me to do fire too, so I did not join. Since then I have moved to another State - CA - been busy with grad school. But I would love to go back and join my old department in VT. My brother is Deputy Chief of my old department, serving 20+ years. Of maybe if I can finish grad school, I can join another local department. We will see. I miss it a lot.
At 6:17pm on August 20, 2010, Bradley Crowell said…
I bet i was lol. We get huge woods fire. So far our biggest one about 10 arces thats small for us but there was one 20 foot piles an a 20 foot high of junk an trash and chemicals. It was about 30 yards long an 20 yards wide the pile of trash was.
At 11:12pm on August 17, 2010, Bradley Crowell said…
We get alot of both. We catch alot of fire at my station. Its about 50/50 I would say. Each month we get about 5 to 7 house fires and about 5 to 6 wildland fires. But the wildland fires have calmed down for now lol THANK GOODNESS

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