Randall (Randy) Rider
  • 74, Male
  • Tonawanda, New York
  • United States
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Randall (Randy) Rider's Friends

  • Randy C. Rider
  • Jim aka Bick
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Randall (Randy) Rider's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Law Enforcement
Job Function
911 Operator/Dispatcher
Years in Fire/EMS:
39 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Town of Tonawanda Police Department
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Interior FireFighter, Safety Officer, Fire Investigator. Many N.Y.S. training courses as well as federal. Advanced C.I.S.M. Peer Counselor for Western New York.
About Me:
Current Fire Commissioner, also Ranking Safety Officer. Have been Interior fire fighter for entire time with the department (39 years). Recently completed training at NYS FireAcademy for fire investigation. Have been a Public Safety Dispatcher for over 21 years.
Day Job:
Public Safety Dispatcher/fire Investigator
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
The old cliche, just wanted to serve my community. Also carry on family tradition, four generations.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The feeling of knowing that i have been able to get my crews home safely after all calls.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Dwindling numbers in the volunteer sector. Also critical political issues in New York State regarding special interest groups trying to dismantle fire districts. New York state is in dire need of continued funding for the training of our fire fighters. Until we stop re-electing our slate of politicians in Albany, things will only get worse. Same of our reps in Washington. The lies just don't end.

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At 4:43pm on June 2, 2009, RJRSLIL1 said…
Good morning my sleepy man, It's not going to be that long of a week . We will get you some sleep i promise. I also will drive to rivers edge so you can nap and enjoy the ride.I want you and I to be relaxed, and be able to enjoy every minute we have alone together. You make me so happy. Next week If I can't get someone to switch with me, i am taking the day off. I think the extra days will be nice i am looking forward to a little vacation with you and christopher together(some normalcy). He has been wanting to get away with us again. Thank you Thank you for your kind words. The way you look at me with adoring eyes and for being the man that I have dreamed about for years. I appreciate and love everything you do for us (all of us). xxxx Have a good night see you in the morning!!! I love you
At 5:24am on May 14, 2009, RJRSLIL1 said…
Hey babe working without you on mids just isn't the same or fun for that matter. Thank god my mind is able to escape from here and think about you , think about us! Thank you
At 8:24pm on May 5, 2009, RJRSLIL1 said…
I don't think you will ever really know how much you mean to me!!!! You know when I need encouragement and are there when it becomes a little too overwhelming. You absolutely inspire me to be a better person. I continue to learn from you and I admire the way you've stepped up and provided the care that christopher and I need. I only hope you are as happy as you have made me!!! I promise I will try to keep a happy man. I love you , I will always love you !!
At 4:14pm on April 21, 2009, RJRSLIL1 said…
I am back to work and i am feeling much better thank you! Always nice to come in and see you were thinking about me in my absence. I too think about you all the time.... see you later hun I love you!
At 6:34pm on March 23, 2009, RJRSLIL1 said…
Hello hot stuff! yes haven't spoken to you lately here. I miss our writing back and forth. It has been very very busy so far today. only 6:30 and 33 41a's and 36 license checks. definately end of the month OMG. I need to read more of those sweet texts you send! Keeps my mind off the jerks i work with and on YOU!!!! I love you ttyl
At 6:20am on February 28, 2009, RJRSLIL1 said…
Some day!
At 6:19am on February 28, 2009, RJRSLIL1 said…
To an extremely attractive man thanks for asking. When i first signed up i got all sorts of inquiries so i changed it to married. they stopped
At 10:15am on February 27, 2009, RJRSLIL1 said…
Hello, I never have enough time to explain how I feel about you, but i'm sure you know. Very nicely put regarding blog comments for 3407. I love you!!
At 9:57am on February 24, 2008, Randy C. Rider said…
thought you might like it for a pic on your page
At 9:56am on February 24, 2008, Randy C. Rider said…

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