  • 65, Female
  • West Groton, Massachusetts
  • United States
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Rachel...'s Friends

  • Paul Schoenwalder III
  • Dale Dittrick
  • Tim Dickerson
  • Todd
  • Kimberly
  • Yves "TopGun" Lamarre
  • Jessie Miller
  • Alessandro
  • Michael
  • firefighterhancock153
  • catfish
  • Big Jim
  • Bud
  • Donald Canterbury
  • Galen S. Taylor

Rachel...'s Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
10 yrs
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Groton Fire Dept...
Years With Department/Agency
9 yrs
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Reed Ambulance...Aurora CO
Lakewood Fire/Rescue...Lakewood CO
Englewood Fire/Rescue...Englewood CO
Denver Paramedics...Denver,CO (EMT-P ridealong for class)
My Training:
About Me:
Like most children of a FF...I used to hang out at my fathers fire station when I was growing up... He started out as a FF with the North Fort Myers Fire Dept and eventually went on to become an arson investigator for them... I was a little shrimp of a thing ( I haven't changed much since then...lol) Of course Daddy and I used to watch "Emergency!" together and...back in the day...I had a crush on Johnny Gage...what normal red blooded teenage girl didn't? lol Anyway....my father allowed to me to go on a few calls...as long as I stayed out of the way... which if you know me... was a very hard for me to do...lol However... I knew from the first call that I went on that my heart belonged to EMS... Right after graduating from EMT-B...I found I had a few dues to pay before I got onto the 911 system...I was stuck doing transfers and Dr. visits for the elderly and handicapped... Not that that wasn't an important job... These were folks who needed my help as well.... But....once I did make it to the 911 system...it was like...hell yeah...this is exactly what I want to do with my life.... where do I sign...lol
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
A love for EMS...and the hope to make a difference in someone life...
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It's in the blood baby...it's in the blood... That set aside...I honestly and truly love helping people... If I made a difference in someone's life...I accomplished it all...
Top Issues Facing Responders:
PPL getting into EMS for all the wrong reasons... Adequate manpower... Safety issues....

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Comment Wall (27 comments)

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At 6:02pm on February 27, 2009, Tim Dickerson said…
sorry i havent been on here in awhile ,i think i have heard of your dad
At 7:40pm on February 7, 2009, Irons38 said…
hey you!!! what have you been up to?
At 1:29pm on January 30, 2009, Bob Allard said…
That is about the same way I started, and then my uncle told me I would never become a federal firefighter cause its to hard to get in, well I proved him wrong spent 25 yrs as a DOD firefighter at the Niagara Falls Intl. Airport.
At 2:22am on January 17, 2009, Donald Canterbury said…
Sorry it took so long to reply back. Was out of town from the 2nd until the 11th of Jan. Just a getaway trip to Alabama to see family and relax from the stress of the divorce. No prob about the miscommunication. It may be my fault for not wording it very good. Since Jan 9th, my dept has been busy. Couple of structure fires (out of town for one and the other I was at work, dang it) and several other calls. It is NEVER a good thing when people play bumper cars with their personal cars. Oh well, stuff happens. It is cold here. Not alot of snow, yet. Keep in touch and don't be a stranger honey.
At 3:48pm on January 1, 2009, Donald Canterbury said…
I am not an Arson Investigator. I took those classes to fulfill requirements for the Pro Board Fire Officer 1 before I left WV and moved to OH. Since my dept. is a Volunteer dept., we have to call the State Fire Marshall for any investigations. I do help in determining causes with our chief before the FM gets there (little prelim inves.). I would like to take more classes in it and maybe go to be one someday. Maybe it will work out. Just don't know when. Take care and stay safe. Oh, and yes, we can definitely keep in touch!

At 9:13pm on December 31, 2008, Irons38 said…
You are too kind!!!! Heres one back at you..... Happy New Year!!!
At 9:19pm on December 29, 2008, AFD said…
Happy New Year To Ya : )
have a great wonderful week
always , Anthony
At 9:19pm on December 29, 2008, AFD said…
Happy New Year To Ya : )
have a great wonderful week
always , Anthony
At 9:13pm on December 29, 2008, Irons38 said…
Of course I forgive you how could i not!!! Thank you for the compliment you pretty hot yourself...
At 4:30pm on August 10, 2008, Marty said…
What's going on Rachel, sorry haven't got back sooner just been really busy with work, but you look beautiful as ever I would love to chat any time you want well hey I am off to work have a great day.

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