Paul L. Jordan, Jr.
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Paul L. Jordan, Jr.'s Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, Law Enforcement
Job Function
Other Senior Command Staff, Fire / Arson Investigator, Lieutenant, First Responder, Retired
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Huntington Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
29 years
About Me:
I am 66 years old soon to turn 67 and I retired from the Huntington Fire Department 17 years ago. When I retired I was a Fire Marshal in Charge of the Arson Investigation Section. My wife Joyce and I have three children, two boys and one girl. We have three grandaughters and two grandsons. We have been married 44 years in August. I am Amateur Radio Operator, KD8CRW. I am a Ordained Baptist Minister and I presently work in the Funeral Business.
Day Job:
Henson Mortuary, Huntington WV
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My grandfather was Firefighter, my father was a Firefighter, I just had to be a Firefighter and now my two sons are Firefighters.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I loved being a firefighter because I felt like I was called to be one.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The many unknowns out there today that they have to face. Meth Labs, bobby traps, and who would have ever thought about three airplances going into two towers and the Pentagon.

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At 5:43pm on June 2, 2009, Filiberto Rodriguez said…

Welcome to this big family where no matter what race, creed, age, social status, language, to save lives, so many of us as we are most fortunate to have this wonderful gift of being able to save lives, I am a paramedic Mexican, I have more 25 years dedicated to saving lives, and never do it by interest, not because I'm so Alagoas, by making love to my colleagues, I hope not to give anything to change what I do, if I may give thanks I accept with pleasure, and if I can not help the fact that it is more motivating
helped me feel satisfied.
I prepared a lot through all these years to be a true professional in the medical emergency, and now I enjoy sharing my knowledge to those just starting in this beautiful profession.
never otherwise have friends all over the world who speak this language to save lives, that there are good people who always cares about helping those who are in misery.
more important what has happened to me in this site and may God bless those who had the wonderful ingenious of this site is to meet people with the same purpose as myself, to share information, see the next generation to start saving lives.
never cease to strive to be better in the environment will continue to prepare for emergencies and will continue to meet people like you to exchange information, and meet wonderful people like you, you are now an important part in my friends list, that if you like to add as a friend, but above all you go ahead on this as a professional in emergencies.
I do not have friends looking for them, or add you on my list for being a woman, I look for people who really are interested in wanting to share with me a bit of friendship no matter the language we have, religion, race or nationality, it important is friendship.

God enlighten you in everything you do and where you are in emergency services will look after and protect always the best wishes for your friend now Mexico.

Greetings from Mexico.
you’re new friend Filiberto.
excuse my bad English but I do it gladly


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