Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS), Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
4 Years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Alamo Township Fire Department 7840 N 6th Kalamazoo,MI 49009
Years With Department/Agency
2 years
My Training:
Certified in Medical First Responder
Certified in Emergency Medical Technician
Certified and Licensed in Paramedic
Certified in Hazmat Awareness
Certified in Hazmat Operations
Certified in Fire Fighter I
Certified in Fire Fighter II
Certified in National Incident Management System
Certified in Incident Command System
Certified in Emergency Incident Management
About Me:
I started Emergency Services in my senor year of high school at KVCC and have never looked back. I started it all at Life EMS for 1 1/2 years then when back to school and got in to Fire and I have been at Alamo Township for 2 years and now I am going to start up with Pried.. I have been ridding with them for 150 Weeks .
Hi my name is Rachelle and I am searching for a guy that I met this past weekend in Mt Pleasant. He was a great help to me and my friends and we did not get to thank him. His name I believe is Kelvin and he is African-American and he is 6' 7" and he said he is a firefighter in Kalamazoo and he is attending Western Michigan University. If you know this man or a possible way of getting in touch with him could you have him email me at or call 517-862-4133. Thank you for your time!
At 7:23pm on November 30, 2007, Joel Swanson said…
Welcome to FFN, Mitchell!
Take Care and Stay Safe as we do what we enjoy doing best!
At 3:24pm on November 30, 2007, Jim aka Bick said…
hello and welcome to FFN enjoy the site and be safe out there.
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Take Care and Stay Safe as we do what we enjoy doing best!