Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Palm Harbor (FL) Fire Department
About Me:
I've served in many roles during my career – consultant, educator, publisher, entrepreneur, paramedic, and firefighter to name a few. Presently, I serve President for Integral Performance Solutions (IPS) - which is a management consulting and teaching firm that specializes in public safety and healthcare. I'm also an adjunct faculty member for the University of Maryland—Baltimore County in their Master’s Program for Emergency Health Services.
For fun, I like to do remodeling and landscaping. One day, I hope to get good at it. In the meantime, I need help laying brick to build my barbeque cathedral.
Day Job:
Public safety management consultant / educator
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To make a difference
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Mic, welcome to the Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the Group. Your contribution and involvement here is important to us all. Dont be shy just jump in anywhere to get your feet wet. You will get out of this site what you put into it. Lots to do, read and become involved with here. Have fun and be safe.
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Welcome Mic, have a nice day.Chief William Sharp
Southern Oregon Coast