  • 35, Female
  • Newport News
  • United States
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Meris's Friends

  • Kelley Thomas
  • Chris Osborne
  • Eric Glover
  • Jethro
  • Randy
  • M Cullar
  • Donnie Mathias
  • Omarr Dickens
  • William McKinnon
  • Tom Cook
  • Lewis Steve Flowers Jr.
  • Jimmy Fink
  • Jason Patrick
  • Robert
  • THE BIG F.

Meris's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
1 year
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Smithfield, Virginia
Years With Department/Agency
1 year
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
About Me:
I'm an 18 year old EMT from the great state of Virginia. I'm in my second year of college, and I hope to one day become a career FireFighter/Paramedic.
Day Job:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I just love helping people, and anyway, there's nothing like the rush you get from it.

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Meris's Blog

Sweet Baby James

Posted on March 12, 2008 at 12:37am 0 Comments

The trailer is the last one on the right, pressed up against the infinite night sky. I swear I can see everything and nothing at the same time in that sky as I round the corner to search for the stairs. Eric shines a flashlight at the ground and I see the beginnings of a step. With one foot reaching out for it, I look up.

"Shit!" I jump back into Eric, who catches me around the waist without hesitation, pulling me away from whatever unseen danger I encountered. He starts laughing as… Continue


Posted on March 12, 2008 at 12:33am 1 Comment

The rain beats down heavily on my windshield as I wait for the light to change. My driver's side window is open, as I listen to the sound the water makes as it smacks against the road and my outstretched hand. My hair is sopping wet, still dripping puddles onto my now see-through shirt. I shiver slightly, but I'm not truly cold. Two boys stand on the corner next to me, waiting for their turn to cross the street.

Death Cab for Cutie sings to me of being loved one day as the light turns… Continue


Posted on March 12, 2008 at 12:31am 0 Comments

It's a busy night at the station; it's Wednesday, which is known by many to be the night of the clown cars. On any given Wednesday night, you're bound to have at least three and a half full crews ready to go. But, of course, nothing ever happens.

The county is quiet, save a few fire alarms here and there, but they all end unspectacularly.

I sit on the couch, yawning as I work on a cross-stitch. My fingers are numb, but I push the needle through again, watching as the teal thread… Continue

Ground Level Fall

Posted on February 22, 2008 at 7:48pm 3 Comments

As I'm returning to the station from my ITLS (International Trauma Life Support) class with Drew, I hear the tones drop for a ground level fall. I'm almost 100% sure that we won't be going, but Drew grabs my arm as he heads for the medic.

"Let's go," he says with a sigh.

"Why us!?"

"Everyone else gets off in an hour; we're here all night. Let's go."

Eric, Drew and I climb into the medic, and I'm beyond frustrated. I'm tired from class, I have studying to do, and to top it… Continue

Radio Free Nation

Posted on February 17, 2008 at 7:22pm 0 Comments

I had the privilege to be interviewed by Marty Owings for Radio Free Nation. It was a completely painless experience (no scary questions, unlike my philosophy final), and I encourage you all to shoot him an email should you know someone you'd like to hear interviewed!

There's a link at the top of the page to the interview, and… Continue

Comment Wall (136 comments)

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At 2:52pm on August 29, 2009, Mikaël said…
Hello Merris, one of my friend live in Newport News (not a fireman). How is it to be a fireman over there?
Could You put some pics of your trucks and fires, please.
At 1:18am on July 11, 2009, Aaron said…
Hey Meris!! Just wanted to say hi and see how things are up in Virgina. Sorry i haven't talked to you in awhile, but lets stay in touch. Take care and be safe out there.
At 3:06pm on February 20, 2009, Robert said…
Extraordinary Career. Extraordinary People.

We are offering opportunities for full pay and benefits WHILE WE TRAIN YOU to become a professional Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician! These entry level positions require no previous experience. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school. A GED is acceptable.

Our 450 career men and women Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians are dedicated to protecting lives. Few careers can offer such a challenging and meaningful mission in an atmosphere of teamwork and camaraderie. Prince William County, VA, pop. 380,000, is a large and diverse community located 35 miles southwest of Washington, D. C. We are a growing organization with tremendous learning and promotional opportunities.

If selected, we provide a competitive minimum salary of $44,086 and exceptional benefits. For Advanced Life Support certification, we provide an additional $5,291/year incentive pay plus per hour supplement pay. Annual retention supplements are also offered. Employees are eligible for up to $5,000/year tuition reimbursement, and we offer a stipend for individuals who are bilingual English/Spanish. We offer an excellent benefits package with additional retirement options for Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians.

Please visit our web site at and click on “Career Opportunities.” You will find our short employment application form which can be submitted online. Apply now if you are ALS for a July hire (15 positions). Apply now at any level for a Jan 2010 hire. (30 positions)

Email mail if you have any questions.
At 3:49pm on January 10, 2009, Scott A. Carrigan said…
hey kido i hope your feeling better give me a text and let me know how you are . a little worried about you
At 11:21am on November 27, 2008, charles howe said…
happy thanksgiving
At 12:42am on September 24, 2008, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hey Meris! Just joined the group and am looking to swap patches. I am a paramedic from Montreal, Canada. Been working here for 23 years. Any chance of a swap? Stay safe!
At 11:03pm on September 12, 2008, Brandon said…
Hey hows it going
At 9:31pm on July 30, 2008, Rick said…
At 2:19pm on July 3, 2008, michael said…
hope ya have a great 4th.
At 12:08am on June 21, 2008, lang said…
hope you feel better soon and not trying to sound like a creeper but you do make a c-collar look good

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