Marty Rutledge
  • Male
  • McMurdo Station
  • Antarctica
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Marty Rutledge's Friends

  • Henrik Schrick
  • Ken Watkins
  • Eddy Styven
  • Bruno BEUNEUX
  • van Boven Francis
  • ALEX
  • Andrew Calhoun
  • lars-arne gunnstedt
  • Lori Gravelle
  • H. T. Jenner
  • Corey Breneman
  • Jeff Widdows
  • Dean Rohr
  • delcourt lolo

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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Safety Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Antarctic Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
1 year
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Loveland Fire Rescue
My Training:
FFII, ARFF, EMT-B, IV, Hazmat Ops, Wildland
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I really wanted to do a job where I helped people, and I grew up with Johnny and Roy, so it just seemed like the job to go after. Plus the benefits of driving over the speed limit and cutting people's clothes off...

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At 9:45am on October 30, 2009, Henrik Schrick said…
Hi Marty,

At this time i am not sure if i will be able to go to Corsica,but i would like to go very much.
I havent been on my bike too much this year so lets hope next year will be more interesting !!!

At 8:17am on May 12, 2009, Eddy Styven said…
Good to hear you haven't partly frozen yet !
We 'll have a couple of drinks when you stop in Belgium later this year.
Enjoy the Antarctican winter in the meantime, and remember what all Inuit mothers teach their kids as their first sentence : don't ever eat yellow snow !

Cheers mate,

At 2:58am on May 12, 2009, Eddy Styven said…
Good to hear you enjoy the Antarctican sun so much !
Over here riding season has started, sofar we've been to the UK and France with the usual crew.
Besides these we've been out on local rides and we'd organised the National Burn Camp Run.
In two weeks we leave for Spain.
We have rendez-vous with Lolo and the Frenchie's in Paris.
From there we'll ride on nice back-roads to Spain to arrive there 5 days later.
Oberst Hans Von Jenner and Randy & Sue 'll be the only Yankees to ride with us this year.
As you are far away down under, Matt, Brian and Ken also cancelled their
participation. I presume this ha a lot to do with the global incertain times, which I fully undertand, but regret.
We 'll have a couple of drinks (sangria's) to your health and hope to be able to drink a couple with you on your hometrip.
There's a free stay in your Antwerp residence.
Right now I 'm remodelling the house in order to have it ready when you pass.

Regretting you wont be with us in Spain, sending you a little bith of European warmth.

Talk to you soon,

(Don't pee outside)
At 3:59pm on May 11, 2009, sacany csakany said…
Bro I've had 49 the march 21srt my my birth year was 1960 it's easier when I count
of course We will drunk a few Ricards in thinking of you
See you take care of you big hug
and adios Amigos
Mitchos el pompieros
At 5:12am on April 18, 2009, Eddy Styven said…
Hi Marty,

Finally I found a spare moment to join.
Hope aal is well there "Down Under"
Over here bright sunshine and the ridin' season has started, since a couple of weeks.
We 've met with Lolo and Alex and the other Frenchies at Lyndon's in the UK two weeks ago.

Hope to hear from you

Greetz from Antwerp Belgium !
At 1:23pm on April 12, 2009, ALEX said…
greeting marty ca is there I am there!!
At 6:26pm on April 5, 2009, Dave Dodson said…
Hiya Marty:

Antarctica? How wild is that? Hope you are well and enjoying the experience.

I think the only online thing out there is a webcast I did for Fire Engineering. . Last I checked, you could listen in and view the content. Those things are sponsored for only a given amount of time and I have no control over it - they own it. I did do a new reading smoke DVD called "The Art of Reading Smoke - the Practrice Sessions". Fire Engineering will start selling it at FDIC later this month - but you'll have to wait for mail.

Stay safe brother!
At 2:03pm on April 5, 2009, Corey Breneman said…

Wassup??? Got your invite and have set up a profile. I'll finish it when I have more time to add stuff. I accidentally deleted the last invite so I'm glad you resent. I guess i can use stuff from the previous life since I certainly earned it. We miss you and are looking forward to seeing you when you get off the ice. Not much to do but work and drink I hear but that can be anywhere, even Norm's or Don's garage. Things are well and the wife/kids say hi!!! When will you be home after the next stint? I would guess Aug. or Sept??? Keep me posted and keep emailing those Reps and Senators. Later.

At 11:23am on April 1, 2009, Dean Rohr said…
Thanks for the invite to this page Marty. I will get around to filling in all the little boxes soon...tons going on with Dalton and this Child Family Investigation. Keep it in pray for my bro. It is looing good now and I have total peace about it...I am off and cold to ride.
At 7:51pm on March 31, 2009, Lt. Rutledge said…
What up Lt. Im not sure if i do or not Im sure Im probly kin some how Rutledge aint to common of a name...

Lt. Rutledge

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